Chapter 67

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Harrison stepped out of the fireplace at Bones Manor, he looked around and saw that he was in a sitting room. There were plush tan couches with dark brown throw pillows, pictures of the Bones family hung on the walls and a gold chandelier lit the oval shaped room. He patted down his bottle green dress robes as he scanned the room, he saw a tall woman with grey hair and hazel eyes staring intently at him. He recognized her from the Daily Prophet as Amelia Bones, she wore black robes and she looked like a stern woman. He smiled a dazzling smile as he walked towards the woman who was obviously attempting to scrutinize him. He made sure not to let any negative emotion show even though he wasn't fond of the woman, she caused too much trouble for his father. When he told his father he had a date with Susan Bones he wasn't very happy about it but he knew it would be a good opportunity to gather information so he allowed it. However he gave Harrison a warning to be on his guard, Amelia Bones was a smart and savvy woman.

"Madam Bones," Harrison greeted pleasantly. "I'm Harrison Riddle, it is a pleasure to meet you." Amelia took his hand and surprise and amusement flashed through her eyes when he brushed his lips against her knuckles.

"Mr. Riddle," Amelia said kind enough. "My niece has told me all about you." She gestured to the couches. "Please sit, Susan will be down momentarily." Harrison nodded and took a seat on a leather chair while she took the one across from him.

"Please Madam, call me Harrison," he told her charmingly. She gave him an almost imperceptible smile.

"Harrison," Amelia said as she crossed her legs. "Tell me, did you enjoy yourself last evening? Thirteen is an important birthday after all." Harrison made sure to keep the smile on his face.

"I had a wonderful time," Harrison said putting the perfect amount of emotion into his tone. "The best part of all was when Susan agreed to go on a date." He injected genuine emotion into his tone and Amelia's face softened slightly. Before Amelia could ask another question Susan walked into the room, her red hair was in soft waves and she wore a white sundress with silver sandals. Her smile shown with happiness as she practically bounced into the room but there was nervousness obvious in her expression. Her nervousness became more pronounced when she saw Harrison stand up.

"You look beautiful," Harrison smiled as he walked over and pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you," Susan said quickly before blushing. "You look beautiful too." She turned bright red when she realized what she said and began to stutter. Harrison felt amused but he also found the look on her face cute and he decided to put her out of her misery.

"Thank you," Harrison said, not allowing any amusement he felt to show through. He glanced back at Amelia who was looking at Harrison approvingly. "Was there a specific time you wanted her to be home Madam?"

"Please have her home by eight," Amelia instructed before she bid them both goodbye. Harrison grabbed the floo powder for Susan, she stepped inside the fireplace and disappeared. A moment later he was spinning through the Floo network, he felt himself stop and he walked out at the Floo pub. The Floo pub was half the size of the Hogwarts Great Hall and it was filled with nothing but fireplaces. You could Floo from anywhere to the Floo pub in Diagon Alley for free and Floo home for a small fee. He saw that Susan was brushing her hair out with her fingers, when she saw him she immediately stopped. Harrison walked over to her and grabbed her hand taking her by surprise. He had the feeling she wouldn't grab his hand first so he decided to do it. He thought she looked even cuter when she was blushing, he reached up and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear revealing small diamond earrings.

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