Chapter 98

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Severus wanted to slaughter every person in the room, his cover be damned. The past half an hour had consisted of his fellow professors spewing different variations of "How awful, twelve years in Azkaban as an innocent man" and "I can't believe the nerve of Rita Skeeter." The only reason he was still in the professor's lounge was because he hoped one of his fellow professor's would let something important slip. However, he knew the chances of that happening were about as high as him giving Ronald Weasley an O.

"What do you think, Severus?" Trelawney asked. As usual, her voice came out in a forced tone that sounded as if she was trying to yell and whisper at the same time. Severus knew the woman thought she sounded mystical, but the sound grated on his ears.

Severus stared cooly at the annoying woman. Dozens of gold bangles glittered from her thin wrists, and her large spectacles made her eyes an unnerving sight. Severus wanted to tell the woman that if he had it his way, Sirius Black would've received the kiss when he had been captured twelve years ago. There was no one on earth that Severus hated as much as Sirius Black. From the moment Severus had stepped foot on the Hogwarts Express, Sirius had made it his mission in life to make Severus' life hell. Severus had always known that Sirius was innocent — Sirius had been as loyal to James Potter as Severus was to the Dark Lord. In fact, knowing that Sirius was innocent was the icing on the cake to the man being locked in Azkaban. Severus couldn't think of a worse place to be than Azkaban, and there was no worse scenario than being locked up there as an innocent man. It was a fate that Sirius deserved more than anyone. Instead, Severus stared impassively at the Divination professor.

"I care not one way or the other," Severus said.

"Severus!" McGonagall said. She looked at Severus as if he had just pushed an old woman in front of the Knight Bus.

"Severus," Dumbledore said disappointedly. "You and Sirius had your differences, yes, but he was innocent. Surely you cannot truly believe that an innocent man deserves Azkaban?"

Severus could see Remus watching him carefully out of the corner of his eye. Severus wanted to say something to make the man snap, to make the wolf come to the surface, but he clenched his jaw.

"You cannot blame him, headmaster," Umbridge simpered. Severus' jaw clenched further. He didn't care that the woman worked for the Dark Lord, he found her to be more insufferable than Trelawney. "We all thought that Sirius Black was guilty. One cannot be expected to change their opinion over night." She let out a childish sort of giggle and Severus saw Remus cringe.

"Of course not, Dolores," Dumbledore said. He peered at Severus over his half moon spectacles. Dumbledore cleared his throat. "I think we have all had enough talk for one evening. Feel free to retire to your chambers."

Severus stood up to leave, but Dumbledore looked pointedly at him.

"Severus," Dumbledore said over the clatter of chairs moving. "A word, my boy."

Severus' lips turned down at the nickname. He stood still as a statue while the other professors walked out. He stared blankly at Dumbledore as he peered up at him.

"If you don't mind, headmaster, I'm quite tired after the days events," Severus said.

"Of course, of course," Dumbledore said. "I merely wanted to make sure you weren't going to go off and do anything foolhardy." Severus' eyes narrowed. "I know that you blame Sirius for Lily's death and—"

"If that is all," Severus said sharply.

He looked away as Dumbledore stared sadly at him.

Severus thought that it was just like Dumbledore to think that his hatred towards Sirius was because of Lily. Yes, Severus had loved Lily, but that was years ago. He knew that a romantic relationship would never have worked out between the two of them, they were far too different. However, he did still care for her as a friend, and her death haunted him, but his hatred for Sirius Black had begun years before Lily's death. From the moment he had laid eyes on Sirius, Severus had known that the Black heir would bring nothing but misery into his life.

Severus wanted to go out and find Sirius then slice his chest open with a well placed cutter. He wouldn't want it to kill Sirius instantly, merely injure him enough that he would slowly bleed out. Unfortunately, the Dark Lord wanted Sirius alive. Severus didn't know why, the Dark Lord was playing this one close to his chest, but Severus had to follow his orders. Although, that wouldn't stop him from fantasizing about it.

"Goodnight, Severus," Dumbledore said, his tone resigned.

"Headmaster," Severus said in a clipped tone.

Severus brushed passed Dumbledore, flung the old wooden door open, and strode briskly into the hall.

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