Chapter 13

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The next morning Harrison got dressed in a pair of black dress pants and a green silk shirt and walked into the hallway which looked completely different than the night before. Christmas decorations littered the hall, wreaths hung on the doors and mistletoe hung from the ceiling. He could smell cinnamon and cocoa causing him to grin, he loved Christmas Eve. His father didn't like decorations, in fact he hated them with every fiber in his being. But Harrison liked them, so Tom always had the house elves put decorations up for Harrison to wake up to on Christmas Eve and they'd all be taken down by the time he woke up on boxing day.

He walked down the hall and saw that the portrait of Antioch Slytherin was back to normal. Antioch glared at him as he passed, but Harrison ignored him. The banisters were littered with lights and Harrison saw a large twenty foot tall Christmas tree in between the spiral stair case. It was even more beautiful than all of the trees at Hogwarts. Miniature snakes slithered around the bottom of the tree, they would flash silver every ten seconds causing them to hiss and Harrison to snort. He always liked to see what new things the house elves would come up with for decorations.

On holidays they would always eat breakfast in the dining room in the back of the manor, so Harrison walked through room after room until he reached large black doors. The double doors were three times the width of normal ones and twelve feet high. Before he reached them they magically opened and he stepped inside. As usual he could see the snow covered grounds of the manor through the large window that covered almost the entire back wall. The snow was a foot high and the trees looked frosted, he smiled at the scenery. As usual two large Christmas trees stood on either side of the fireplace. Both of them were covered with silver and gold baubles and flashing green lights. A fairy fluttered on the top of each tree and the fireplace was roaring, the flames were charmed green for the occasion.

"Good morning Harrison," Tom smiled when he saw his son.

"Good morning father," Harrison said but he paused when he saw Luna sitting at the table. "Hello Luna."

The way Luna looked at Harrison he just knew that she knew how he felt about this situation.

"Hello Harrison," Luna replied.

"I take it Uncle Lucius was able to get the paperwork through," Harrison said as he pulled out his chair.

"Of course," Tom responded. "She was delivered by a Ministry employee this morning. Everything is official, I will be her guardian until she turns seventeen."

"Great," Harrison said. A part of him meant it, he had always wanted a sibling. But, another part of him reminded him that she wasn't his sibling and she never would be. Especially since he knew they'd have some form of romantic or physical relationship.

"Is she coming with us to Malfoy Manor tonight?" Harrison asked as he poured syrup on his pancakes.

"She is," Tom answered. "I told Lucius to inform Narcissa."

Further conversation was halted when the morning paper arrived. Harrison unfolded his copy of the Daily Prophet and he saw the other two do the same.

"I don't normally get the paper," Luna frowned as she looked at the paper in her hands.

"I took the liberty of getting you a subscription," Tom said absentmindedly. "It's important for you to keep up with current events."

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