Chapter 130

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"This way! This way!" Remus yelled.

Remus gestured wildly for people to run into the Three Broomsticks, where he was defending it from the Death Eaters along with Sirius, Arthur, Tonks, and Molly. He waved a young mother and her son into the restaurant, as a shimmering shield sprang to life in front of him. He nodded his thanks to Arthur before returning fire to the Death Eater who had sent a curse towards him.

The Death Eater flicked his wand, and fire spiraled towards the Three Broomsticks. Remus knew that if the restaurant caught fire everyone inside would burn to death. He concentrated on pulling his magic.

"Sirius, now!" Remus yelled.

Remus slashed his wand and a powerful shield flared to life, joining with a shield cast by Sirius. The fire crashed into the shield, spreading out and instantly adding ten degrees to the temperature, before the shield sucked the fire in and disappeared.


Sirius watched as the fire disappeared. He twirled his wand, sending a curse at the Death Eater. The bone masked wizard dodged the spell, but was hit with a spell sent by Tonks. Sirius grinned, when a mane of black hair caught his attention. He turned and saw Bellatrix running in the opposition direction. His eyes narrowed, and he took off after her.

"Sirius, where are you going?" Remus shouted.

Sirius ignored his friend as he ran after his cousin. He was surprised that his cousin wasn't joining in on what he knew she considered fun. All he could see her doing was peering down alleys and blocking the occasional spell. He felt a surge of hatred for her and he pushed himself to run faster.

Sirius caught up with Bellatrix and he cast a silent spell. Bellatrix spun around and flicked her wand causing Sirius' spell to evaporate.


A tornado of hatred tore through Bellatrix as she blocked her cousins spell. She wanted to cast the killing curse and end him for the child he stole from her. But they were surrounded by witnesses, she wasn't wearing a mask, and she had her two children to think about. She had tried locating her children via magic, but it wasn't working. Bellatrix knew one of the reasons why it wouldn't work is if they were weakened, and the thought of them lying scared and hurt made her feel terrified. A feeling she was anything but used to. She didn't have time to deal with Sirius. She needed to find her children then kill everyone responsible for putting them in harms way.

"Attacking a lady in public," Bellatrix sneered, "I would be careful if I were you, cousin. You know how the press can be."

Sirius' eyes flashed with anger and annoyance. "You and I both know you're no lady."

Bellatrix smiled, a cold smile that showed no warmth.

"Then go ahead and do your worst," Bellatrix said. "Give me a reason to kill you, or stay out of my way."

Bellatrix stared into Sirius' eyes and something flickered in their depths.


Bellatrix looked at Sirius as if he were a disgusting spider she would love no more than to step on. Sirius knew that if he attacked her again she would attack him with all she had. The brash part of him wanted to do it, to send a spell soaring towards her, but she was right, someone would see that he attacked her and he'd be right back in Azkaban. And he'd never find Harry. As much as he wanted to see Bellatrix dead or in Azkaban, he wanted to be with Harry more.

Sirius mentally cursed himself for going after her in the first place, but he had a hard time controlling himself when Bellatrix was involved. Sirius stared back at her, and Bellatrix smirked before running off. Sirius watched her leave and a shiver ran down his spine.

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