Chapter 11

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Three days later found Harrison sitting in his fathers study staring at the large wooden clock. Luna Lovegood should be coming soon and Harrison wouldn't admit it, but he was anxious to see what happened. Him and his father hadn't spoken about her since he returned home for the holidays so, he didn't know what his father was going to say or do. Harrison's head snapped towards the door when he heard it open and saw his father walking in with a young girl next to him. She had long straight blonde hair, large silvery eyes surrounded by thick eye lashes, and pouty lips. She had pale skin and a short stature. She was wearing exceedingly bright yellow robes that appeared to be one size too large. She appeared as though she didn't have a care in the world, as though she wasn't in the Dark Lord's manor and maybe a minute from death.

When her eyes locked with Harrison's it was as if they could see into his soul, if he was being honest, it slightly unnerved him. Her head tilted to the side and she made a humming sound.

"Sit," Tom ordered her.

Luna sat in the chair next to Harrison and she continued to stare at him until Tom cleared his throat.

"Now, Miss Lovegood," Tom said silkily. "Tell me why I shouldn't kill you?"

Once more she tilted her head to the side as if trying to find the best way to answer. Her large eyes flickered to Harrison and back to Tom.

"I see the future," Luna began in a dreamy voice. "I can help you and your side win this war."

"What makes you think I need help?" Tom asked dangerously.

"I see the future," Luna replied.

"I know," Tom said, Harrison could tell his father was getting annoyed. "You've informed us already."

"I've seen what is to come," Luna spoke. "It may seem like an easy win for the dark, but all is not as it seems." Tom and Harrison both narrowed their eyes. "You can win for I've seen it, I've seen you standing over the corpse of your greatest enemy as his blank eyes stare up at you. However, the light side is not as weak as you think,there are many great allies on Dumbledore's side. There are those you'll need to dispose of before they can become too big of a problem. Your army is great, and once you take over Britain, the world will be yours for the taking. Defeating Dumbledore will be the hard part, he may be old, but he's not weak. He has decades of experience on you and he instills loyalty in many of the ministries influential witches and wizards. I've seen my role in the great battle of our time and I know that my place is here by Harrison's side."

Harrison saw his fathers eyes flicker to him for a brief second.

"How do I know that you speak the truth?" Tom demanded. "You're a mere child, not even old enough to attend Hogwarts. You speak as though you were someone much older, how do I know someone hasn't fed you these lines?"

Luna's silver eyes took on a hard look, it was odd how the girl who a second ago looked light and carefree now looked angry. "I Luna Lila Lovegood swear on my life and my magic that everything I've said on this day December twenty-third of nineteen ninety one is the truth and that everything else I say on this day will be one hundred percent truthful. So mote it be." Luna was engulfed in a white light that disappeared after five seconds to reveal the once again carefree looking Luna.

Harrison could admit to himself that he was shocked. The oath Luna just made was rare for magical people to perform because of how dangerous it could be. The oath was more powerful than the unbreakable vow in that it took the words you said extremely seriously and there was no room to get around it. If you were to swear loyalty to someone and you made a joke about them than you could lose your life if the vow took your words for disloyalty. That was the reason why Tom didn't make his followers swear that oath.

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