I eyed the two and could see the way her eyes sparked as she gazed at him and how her cheeks would heat up and it reminded me of myself just a year ago with those same expressions.

'Could it be that they are...?' I pondered and clenched my fists, before looking away from the two and returned my attention to Hagoromo.

"I will now name the successor to Ninshu. The one who shall take over Ninshu shall be..." he paused and the room went completely silent with everyone holding in their breaths. "Ashura!"

People in the room gasped and my eyes widened for a second as I darted my eyes to the two brothers who appeared shocked.

"L-Lord Hagoromo," stammered one of his pupils wanting to refute his decision.

"Why?! I don't have the skills for Ninshu that elder brother has! The difference is immeasurable!" Retaliated Ashura.

"I have made my decision," stated Hagoromo who was set with the decision he made.

"Please tell me why you were dissatisfied with me," urged Indra.

"I received word that the village I left you in charge of is near destruction. Tell me what you did."

Indra explained what he did, but Hagoromo had explained what had occurred after his son left and compared him to Ashura.

"Indra, you have a wonderful power known as the Sharingan. Ashura has matured but still lacks in power. Lend him your power going forward and support the growth of Ninshu. And lastly..." he turned away from his sons and looked in my direction.

"(Y/n) (L/n). I hope you will lend Ashura your strength as well since I now declare you as his assistant. Please guide him and support him."

Everyone's head turned towards me and I respectfully nodded my head at Hagoromo. "I will do my best."

Indra was enraged and his eyes had gone red as he glanced between his brother and I. But his eyes remained on me as he gritted his teeth. He slowly stood up from the hardwood floor and walked out with two pupils following after him.

"Don't worry about him. I'll be sure to have a talk with him after," I said to the two Otsutsuki which they agreed to.

Hagoromo's assistant stood up and announced, "We will hold a feast tonight to celebrate our new successor to Ninshu!"

Everyone in the room cheered for our new successor and congratulated him, but everyone made haste to prepare for the celebration.

"Well congratulations on being chosen Master Ashura," I teased and he playfully rolled his eyes at me.

"I won't get use to hearing that from you anytime soon," he slightly laughed but his mind was elsewhere and I knew what was troubling him.

"Hey, relax," I placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'll go check on how your brother is doing and I'll inform him about the feast."

"Thank you."

I removed my hand from his shoulder and went in search for Indra.

Twenty minutes had gone by before I found him inside a dimly lit cave with the two men from earlier who had followed after him.

"Hey..." I cautiously said to him as I walked in. "Can we talk?"

He looked at the two men beside him and they walked out and allowed us to have some privacy.

"If you're here to pity me, then I suggest you leave," he coldly remarked with his Sharingan ablaze.

"I'm just here to see how you're doing after what happened earlier," I huffed out.

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