Karma X Chubby! Fem! Reader (Assassination Classroom) {White Day Special}

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First things first is that everyone is aged up in this, as in 18+. Cause the reader has an apartment and I wanted them to not be in junior high lol. Second, I hope you guys like chocolate lmao- and finally this is a request but I have free range!

I would like to say that the reader is going to be insecure with her body per the request if that is at all triggering I don't think you should read this.

It was that time of year, the third most romantic holiday of the year, White Day. The lovely (Y/n) and Karma have been dating for about a year now but have known each other for awhile now. So they are aware of some of each others biggest secrets. Now Karma is known for being rude and a tease with everyone he meets. Then you close the door with only his girlfriend in the room, he's still a tease but a sweet, more romantic tease.

Case in point, the day before White Day Karma set his plan into motion.

From: The Devil Himself

- Hey babe keep tomorrow evening free I got a surprise for you

From: My Love

- Should I be worried?

From: The Devil Himself

- Maybe a little :p

- Hope you have a fire extinguisher handy

From: My Love

- H U H?

- Karma why would I need a fire extinguisher?!

He didn't even read the message for the next three hours.

From: The Devil Himself

- :p

It was at this time that (Y/n) gave up on asking, knowing full well that her boyfriend won't answer the question. So she made sure that she did indeed have a fire extinguisher before heading off to her part time work.

The costumers weren't as rude as they were today. Since White Day is just around the corner, many people of the male variety most likely forgot and are agitated. The people who shopped at the store were always a little rude, many people would mutter under their breath about how the employees looked. Most of them said rude things, usually at (Y/n). 

She already doesn't like people seeing her in public, this only made things worse. None the less she had a loving boyfriend and good friends who see her for who she is. This is what helps her get through the hard days at work.

None the less she finished up the work day with a smile and took the train home that day instead of walking. She was excited to go back to her apartment and see what mischief Karma had been brewing.

She unlocks the door to her apartment, wondering if Karma was inside. If he was, what was about to happen the moment she opened the door. (Y/n) opens the door and steps inside, nothing smelled burning or on fire. Which was always a good sign now matter what day it was.

She notices the extra pair of shoes at the door and assumes they're Karma's. He is the only other person, besides the building manager, who has a key. "Hello." (Y/n) calls out as she makes her way to the kitchen.

Karma pokes his head out from around the corner. "Hello." He greets with a smile, armed with an apron and a cooking spoon as a weapon.

"Uh why are you dressed like that? You never cook in an apron, or at all for that matter." (Y/n) asks, sitting her keys where she usually puts them.

"I cook sometimes." Karma pouts.

"Uh huh." (Y/n) sticks her tongue out playfully, "and the spoon is your weapon of choice?"

"Well all of the knifes just didn't have that aesthetic I was going for." He shrug, kissing the top of her head.

She rolls her eyes in response, pouting a little when she didn't get to kiss him back. "What's on the menu for tonight?"

"Curry!" He exclaims like a small child, his lips forming a large grin. "I know it's not super fancy and all..." He trails off when he sees his girlfriend's face soften.

They say you can always tell when someone's really in love by the look on their face, for some people that is. Karma is one of those that doesn't really have a "look of love" face. It gets him down sometimes when he sees how other couples do have it. 

None of that mattered in this moment. He wanted to freeze time, wanting to soak in that miraculous look a person can express. Sadly the world doesn't turn that way and no one really gets what they want in the end.

Karma is brought back into reality when his girlfriend gives him a quick kiss on the lips. "It's perfect." She leans her forehead onto his. "Thank you, I know you did this because I'm embarrassed in public and all..." She trails off, "but thank you."

Now that she's this close to him, he could see the love in her eyes. His face heats up a little but he kept his cool. "Of course love." 

He moves in for another kiss, but (Y/n) quickly takes the spoon out of his hand. She twirls around with it like a magically girl would. She finishes the move off by slightly touch the tip of Karma's nose with the spoon. "Boop," she giggles, Karma taking the spoon out of her hand.

"That was really lame you know." He smiles playfully.

"It's lame how you use the word lame." (Y/n) mocks, walking passed him and over to the fridge to grab a drink.

"Wait-" He was cut off with sound of the fridge being opened, the cake he bought that day now fully exposed. It has a simple chocolate cake, fitting the white day theme, but it did look a little too expensive.

(Y/n) looks at him confused, "did you buy this? Or did someone break in and leave their cake behind?"

He chuckles, "well I did make you some chocolate but in case it turned out horrible, cause I don't know how to cook..." 

She smiles, "I would tell you to throw this cake out but seeing how it's super expensive, I guess we can save it for later." She takes a few steps back after closing the fridge door and turned around to look at her loving boyfriend. "I'll always eat the chocolate you made for me, even if it sends me to the hospital."

She then stretches out her arms like she does whenever she sees him after a long day of work and wants a hug. He happily walking into her arms, holding her tightly. "thank you so much for all that you've done. You're an amazing boyfriend."

Karma kisses her cheek, "you mean the world to me. All I want to do is make you smile and laugh a little. And whenever I see you doing just that my world gets a little brighter." He cups her face and presses his lips onto hers gently, "I love you." He whispers against her lips before going in for another kiss.

I know this is late now but happy white day everyone! I decided to make the reader a little chaotic since that's the kind of person I see Karma dating but I also made her really sweet and shows affection though touches since that's also what I think Karma would like. All in all, I personal believe Karma likes what they say in cheesy romance movies and he just wants a hug :)

Also it's me, I'm the person who can see the love on someone's face whenever they are just simply looking at their significant other. I've only talked about this to one of my friends irl so if anyone else know what I'm talking about let me know-

But I do think that not everyone has that facial expression and there's nothing wrong with that or anything. I just see Karma as one of those people and again, he like cheesy romance movies and what they say in them.

Okay I'm going to stop talking, it's 2:51am. If there are any weird spelling errors or if something looks a little too wack (because my one shots are already wack but you know-) let me know and I'll fix it. I'm gonna go watch meme videos now lol


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