Sasuke X Fem!Reader (Naruto) [Tiny Gang AU] {Keep You Safe}

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Don't mind me blasting Don't Think Twice by Hikaru Utada at lunch, person sitting a seat away from me. I WANT YOU FOR A LIFE TIME~

"So are you guys gonna get married?" Hinata asked.

"Yeah it's been how many years?" Naruto added.

I flopped down on my bed, my two roommates looking down at me. "I don't know guys, we're at two different places in life. Plus all of my classes..." I trailed off.

Naruto rolled his eyes, "still! You guys should at least talking about it!"

I glared at the blonde, "we have."

He got the hint by the tone of my voice, putting his hands up to defend himself. "O-Okay don't swing, d-don't swing."

I looked at the shy girl, "wanna get something to eat now that that's out of the way?"

The two nodded and we left our dorm, making sure to lock it behind us. Last time we forgot, the three small rooms and bathroom were trashed. A note was left among the trash, 'thank Sasuke'

"Do you think anything bad is going to happen? Shikamaru hasn't come back yet..." Hinata asked as we started to climb down the stairs. 

"Nah, nothings bad gonna happen. Shikamaru is just taking his time getting back. You know why he is 'what a drag.'" Naruto said, trying to do an impression of Shikamaru. 

"It would be funny if he showed up behind you and smack you for saying that." I replied, opening one of the many doors. 

Hinata giggled, "it may happen. You were always good at foreshadowing during English."

We earned a few glares as we entered the mess hall, all of the girls that knew what Sasuke looked like. "Why is he with them?" One of them whispered. "I know right." Said the girl next to her.

Hinata and Naruto looked over at me with concern as we made our way to the line.

"What?" I asked them, "it's always like this."

"Yeah but..." Hinata started.

"They shouldn't treat you like that because of your boyfriend." Naruto finished.

I laughed, "they are mad at me because of my man? They are just sorry for themselves that they are just whinny bitches. Barking at any living human to look at them, begging for attention. Sasuke knows better than to pick an annoying dog."

The two laugh as the girls walked out of the mess hall, knowing deep down that I was right. 

"Didn't know you could be so mean." Hinata said, knowing that I was just blowing off some steam. She knows that if the girls were really hurt, I would apologize.

"Couldn't be louder, could you?" Naruto asked, still laughing. 

"Yes!" I shouted, earring looks from other students and professors. 

Naruto held in a laugh as Hinata pretend to not know us. Which was hard since she was staying in the middle of us. Naruto hugged her from behind, "sorry~" he said with a smile. Hinata's flourished a light pink, trying to cover it up.

I said "awww~ you guys are too cute~" before grabbing food that was placed on the counter. Thanking the lady who served us food, we headed back to our dorm room.

"When do you think they will be back?" Hinata asked me.

I shrugged, "don't know yet. Haven't heard anything from them yet."

"As long as they are safe, that's all that matters." Naruto said in a serious food.

"Hinata! Hold my food!" I exclaimed, passing her my plate. 

"O-okay!" She replied not having time to say anything else. 

I turned to Naruto, we were now stopped in the hall way. "Why are you so serious all of a sudden? Do you know something?"

Naruto looked me in the eye, "get to the dorm, then we'll talk." He said softly.

Hinata and I exchanged concerned looks as I took back my plate from her. 

The dorm room was unlocked when Naruto opened it, revealing the dark room. "You first." He said, "Hinata, wait out here with me." She did as he said, and held my plate for me.

I entered the dark room and Naruto slammed the door behind me, I made sure not to flinch. A figure was standing out on the balcony, looking over the trees.

Sliding open the door, I tackled the figure to the ground in a hug. "Why didn't you call?" I asked.

The person chuckled, "because Sasuke wouldn't let me. After all that would be a drag."

I giggled and stood up, "caught you by surprise?"

Shikamaru shook his head, "nope. The door gave you away."

"Not that! The tackling you to the ground part!"

He laughed, "yeah I didn't see you tackling me..." he trailed off. "Heading up to the roof now?"

I nodded, walking over to the fire escape. "Yeah, I thought I would say hi to you first."

Shikamaru smiled, "don't keep he waiting any longer now. You know how he is."

I nodded and began to climb the fire escape.

At top of the roof, Sasuke was standing in the middle. He turned to look at me, and then ran towards me. I held out my arms and he crashed into me, almost make me fall down.

"I missed you." He said, kissing the top of my forehead. "I missed you so damn much." 

"I missed you too." I replied, looking up at him and kissing his lips. 

"People still give you weird looks?" He asked, kissing me.

"Yeah but you flip them off and walk on. I got a hot boyfriend that loves me and they don't." I replied smiling at him.

He chuckled, "glad you feel that way after all this time."

"What are we at now? Six years?" I asked, burying my face in his chest. 

"Something like that. Do you want to get married?"

"Dunno, after all you come from a gang family. I don't want get killed and then cause you pain..." I trailed off.

"What if I told you that the war is over?" He said, "no more attacks. No more having to be away for so long. Of course Naruto will remain here for Hinata and to also make sure that no one tries to hurt you."

I looked up at him, "it's over?"

He nodded and kissed my lips, "yeah it's finally over. We can get married and start a family. If you want to that is."

I nodded my head, "that's what we have been talking about for years now. We're all grown up now. When do you want to get married?"

"After you finish uni and then we will. I'll get an apartment while you find a job. Hinata and Naruto will live right next door..." Sasuke said, looking down at me.

"We'll meet Shikamaru's girlfriend and won't have to live in fear of getting killed in the middle of the night. That will be nice for a change," I added on.

He laughed, "you're right about that. So that's the plan?" 

I nodded and kissed his lips once more, "yes if it works for you."

Sasuke nodded and kissed my lips, "I love you." He pulled me closer, not letting me see his face. "Never forget that. You stayed with me since we met in primary school and have be okay with me leaving all the time. Thank you, (y/n). I love you."

Something sweet for this books two year anniversary. Can't believe I haven't deleted this book *laughs* we also hit 50k reads today! Thank you all so much for being here and for those of you who have been here for awhile now... I know there is at least one of you because you vote a lot. I'm not gonna say who (incase the person doesn't want me to) but thank you for being here for a year! That goes to anyone else who has been her for a year! And to anyone who just found this today! Thank you all soooooo much!


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