Punk! Gaara X Shy! Fem!Reader (Naruto) {Guess You're Not Scary After All}

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Once again another random one shot! After I realized that I haven't made a Gaara one shot yet so yeah.

Deep breath in, and out. It's gonna be fine, nothing bad will happen. Just go in there and sit next to him. He won't even look at you. He reeks of smoke but at least he's not drunk. Right?

I stepped in the classroom door and looked around the room. We just had a lot of snow and they didn't close the schools so here we are. All four of us anyway. Not even the teacher showed up to class. 

Just the normal kids covered in tattoos and a piercing here and there. Don't get me wrong, to me it works for them. I won't get that many tattoos but hey, what ever floats your boat.

The group was just Naruto, Sasuke and Gaara. I'll admit that Gaara is pretty good looking. They are really. 

I just sat in the corner next to an outlet to charge my phone and started reading my manga. Not thinking that they would start to walk over to me. 

"Manga huh?" Sasuke asked, "did think you were that type of girl." 

What was that supposed to mean? I just looked down at my book even more, trying to get my face covered up more by using my hair. They didn't say anything for awhile. I guess that wanted me to say something. What was I supposed to say?

"You really don't like talking huh," Naruto spoke up, "just like our Gaara here!" He slapped Gaara on his back.

"Watch it Naruto." He said in a cold voice.

I tilted my head a little to see what would happen next. "H-hey Gaara I was just messing around, calm down." 

He seemed calm to me. I would be ready to hurt someone if they did that to me.

"Naruto it's your fault. You should know better than anyone to never mess with Gaara." Sasuke said.

"I know that!" Naruto shouted. 

"You want us to leave you alone don't you?" Gaara asked me.

I nodded my head not saying a word. 

"She likes magma so she's cool. Let's go guys. After all it's not we're gonna be accounted as present today anyway." Sasuke said.

"Yeah I need to get another pack." Naruto said, following Sasuke.

Gaara didn't follow them, he was looking down at the manga I was reading. I hated it when people did this. It's my book if you want to read it then go buy it yourself. 

"Hey Gaara! Ya coming?" Naruto shouted from the front of the class room, holding the door open. 

"Nah, I'm gonna stay here. I'll tell them if anyone shows up to take attendance." He replied. Naruto nodded and closed the door. We heard him running off to catch up with Sasuke and shouted at him to slow down.

Gaara sighed, "I'm sorry about them. But my name's Gaara as you already know. We never formally met..." He trailed off.

I looked up at him, he had two lip piercings, one tattoo on his face and more on his arms. 

"(Y/n)." I said softly, looking at him once more before looking back down.

We sat in silence for a while until he went digging through his book bag. He pulled out a book and handed it to me. 

"I know it's like I am a little kid but I love Pokémon too much to just let it go." He said with a chuckle.

I shook my head, "I love Pokémon too." I replied, digging through my bag. I pulled out my small plushy of Charizard. "I keep him with me where ever I go."

He smiled, "I wish I had one. But I don't have enough space to put him anywhere."

I nodded my head, not knowing what else to say.

We sat for awhile until we finished both of our books. "Can I ask you something?" I said.

"Yeah what's up?" He replied.

"What does the tattoo on your face mean?" I asked, "if that's okay with you."

"It means love. That's all you need to know." 

I nodded my head and pointed to the crown on his arm, "what about this one?"

"It's from Kingdom Hearts, a game series that makes me want to throw myself onto a brick wall."

I looked at him confused, "if you hate it then why do you have a tattoo of it?"

He laughed, "I don't hate it. Many other fans feel this way about it. It's a really great game but the story is confusing."

"Then what about the dreamcatcher?" I asked.

"Oh that happened because of," he pointed at the tattoo on his face, "this. I started to get nightmares about what happened. One day my sister found out and decided to do something about it. She got me a dreamcatcher to help stop them. Some kids at my old school broke it though. So she bought me another one and they broke it again. I think that you can see where this is going. Anyway I decided to just it it tattooed so they could never take it away from me. It reminds me a lot of my sister."

"Why did the kids break it over and over again?" I asked, not meaning to pry. 

"Don't worry about it." He said, ruffling my hair.

I glared at him, "don't. Touch. My. Hair." 

He put his hands up in defense, "okay got it. But I do want to hold you hand when we go on out date." He said with a smile.

"You want to go on a date?!" I exclaimed but he cut me off before I could continue.

"I'm so glad you asked." He replied with a smile. "That way we can get to know each other and I know a place where no one from the school goes to. If you're up for it?"

I nodded, "yeah okay. Do you want my number or..." I trialed off.

He nodded and we exchanged numbers. The bell rang and we went off to our different classes. When I got home I received a text from Gaara.

'It was fun talking with you today. I'm sorry about my friends and all but we can go out next Friday after school, if that's good with you?' The text said.

'Don't worry about it, they were fine. And yes Friday works perfectly.' I replied.

'See you then, cutie.'

I blushed and threw my phone onto my bed. What just happened?

See random one shots! That's what the third post this week? I'm trying to post as much as I can before I have to go back to school. Anyway thank you so much for reading! We're almost at 800 votes! Thank you guys sooooooo much!


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