Nastu X Female! Reader (Fairy Tail) [Superhero AU] {Roommates Secret}

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This is a request!

Okay so in this AU it will be set in normal Fairy Tail AU BUT only Natsu and the reader use magic. Also no one else know who they are even though they use their real names and not superhero names.

At this time there were only two magic users. One was a boy named Natsu and the other was girl named (Y/n). It was impossible to know who were the two magic users. Their names were the most popular in the city after all!

"Again the evil superhero, (Y/n), caused a panic in the city!" A newspaper boy shouted across the crowd. He sighed and took in another deep breath, "extra! Extra!"

"One news paper please." (Y/n) smiled at the boy.

"Oh, hey (Y/n). Didn't see you at school today. Than again we don't have classes together anymore..." He blushed, "maybe we could catch up sometime?"

She smiled and kissed his cheek, "yes of course Gray! If there is a day where you don't have to work or I don't have too. Well I'll let you get back to yelling now, I hope you sell a lot today."

Gray's blush deepened, "t-thanks (Y/n). B-bye!" She waved to him as she walked away, her smile was replaced with a smirk.

He's wrapped around my finger, that was easy. She thought, planning her next move. Soon I'll have Natsu wrapped as well as this whole city. That is if I don't reduce it to rumble first.

(Y/n) walked up the many flights of stairs before unlocking the door to her shared apartment. She opens the door to find Natsu, her roommate, looking at a flyer. "What ya go there?" She asked, closing the door and locking it back.

"You know how I've been wanting a cat..." He started off.

"Yes and you know about how we can't have cats in this building...." She replied, looking at him before walking over to him.

"But they got this super cute one! Look!" He shoved the flyer in her face. "He's blue and his name is Happy! And I've always said that I wanted to a blue cat named Happy!"

"Natsu you've always said 'I want a pet dog' never a cat." (Y/n) replied, taking the flyer from him. "Besides we can't have pets here, we've already tried remember. It's not like we can afford to live in another apartment." She kisses the top of his head, "I'm sorry, Natsu."

"Nah it's all good." He said with a small smile, "I know we can't have pets, I just wish we could. Anyway," he stands up to grab the newspaper and hand it to her. "Looks like (Y/n), the evil superhero, has a target." He shows her the front cover.

This city is so dumb. (Y/n) thought but acting like she was learning band new information from the newspaper, as Natsu was reading it out loud. It's me! I'm the evil superhero! Hello that picture looks just like me! 

"Looks like she goes after men about ten years older than us. They have brown hair and brown eyes. No wonder there are so much attacks!" Natsu laughed, "she must be stupid to think that every man with brown hair and brown eyes is bad! Or whatever her reason for attacking them is."

"Yeah she must be..." (Y/n) mumbled, reading over the newspaper.

"So back to the cat, I know we can't get him but can we at least go and pet him! He needs some love!" Natsu pleads, "I won't ask for anything ever again!"

Knowing that those words were a lie, she agreed. "Yes we can go look at Happy. I don't know why you are asking me. Why can't you go by yourself?"

"Because we're friends and I haven't seen you a lot lately. Just wanted to hang out with you, that's all." Natsu replied, grabbing his coat.

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