Boruto X Reader (Boruto: Naruto Next Generations) {Late Night Meets} Part 2

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Someone wanted a part two and here it is!

I went home that night thinking about what would happen tomorrow. Softly closing the front door of my house, walking back up the stairs without waking anyone up, I landed on my bed. That's when I realized, "that damn project."

It took all my will power to not go to sleep and to sit at my desk to avoid falling asleep in the bed. "I can watch anime all night, after I finish this. Not too much left to finish....." Turns out the meet with Boruto lasted longer than I thought would. It was now about two in the morning. "Time for another all nighter..." I whispered to myself as the light from the window one house over went out. Boruto must have finally went to sleep, lucky him.

An hour passes and I wanted to throw my notebook across the room and stomp my feet. That would only wake my Mother up and she needed to rest. This project was boring, so damn boring to the point where I was about to take the zero and live with it. Which would lead to my Mother finding out and would not let me watch anime as a punishment. I looked outside the window and over to the house Boruto lived in. "Six, right. See you then." I whispered and turned my attention back to this boring project. "Have to finish this first." After a few gulps of water, I made sure to finish this project before the sun came up.


After sleeping in all day, I told my Mother I was going out. "Where are you going?" She asked in a calm tone.

"To get something to eat, do you want me to bring you back anything?" 

She shook her head, "I'm fine thanks. Go have fun. I know how much you like eating." She said with a smile on her face.

I playfully glared at her and hugged her before leaving the house. Boruto was waiting at the side walk. "Sorry, how long did you wait?"

"For like two hours! Jeez (y/n)!" He said with a playful and shoved me to the side, "took you long enough."

"Sorry man, didn't know you wanted to see me again so badly." I replied and shoved him back over to the side. It was a cool summer day and the sun was beginning to set. The cherry blossom trees were blooming and looked so beautiful. "So," I started off, "where are we going today? We already went to the 'it's two am and I'm hungry' place and the beach..."

Boruto chuckled, "there's this store a few blocks down. It's all pre-made and we can eat there or go somewhere. If that's okay with you of course...."

I nodded, "yeah! Sounds good!"


When we arrived at the store and took a look around. Boruto and I spotted a small aquarium away from all the food. We walked straight towards it, forgetting why we're even here. "So cool!" Boruto said in awe, "why can't every place have one of these!"

"Because then we wouldn't come in here..." I replied, "let's get some food...." We looked at the aquarium for a few minutes, pointing at everything that moved.

Turns out there was a deli and a small bakery within the store. Boruto and I ended up buying sandwiches and cookies before stopping by the aquarium, "goodbye aquarium." I said waving to all the life inside. "We'll be back to see you again sometime." Boruto added and we walked out of the store.

"Please come again!" One of the shop keepers shouted and we waved back to them, not knowing which one it was.

 "Soooo," I started to say, "where are we going now?"

"The beach of course, just like we said we would. Remember?"

"Of course! I got it memorized!"

He rolled his eyes at me, "sure you do."

"You can believe me or not it's your life." 

He smiled at me, "I'm just kidding you know." He took my free hand in his and began to run. "Better hurry up, we can watch the sun set over the water."


"Wow..." I said softly, "never seen a sun set like this before...."

"Really? How long have you lived here?" Boruto asked and we sat down in the sand.

"My whole life, how about you?"

He nods, "yeah me too. Weird, guess we never bumped into each other."

"But we should haven't met at some point. We live next to each other..."

"Maybe we didn't have to meet until now. Maybe we never need each other until now." Boruto said and looked at the sun set, "maybe you never came out here to watch the sun set because I was the one who would bring you out here."

"You must really like the word 'maybe'." I said and took a bite of my sandwich.

He glared at me, "I should smack that sandwich out of your hand."

I jumped up and held my sandwich close, "take that back."

He smirked and shook his head, "nope not gonna happen."

"Oh yeah?" I replied, kicking his stomach but missed on purpose. "Next time I won't miss."

Boruto held up his hands in defense, "g-got it. Don't come between you and food."

I glared at him and sat back down, my body tilted away from him. We ate without saying a word but being with each other said everything. But also because we made funny face at each other the whole time and almost choking on our food.

As we were walking back, "I think you're really cool, (y/n)." Boruto said, "I like you."

I smiled, "well aren't you straight forward. I think you're cool too and I like you too."

"So, maybe we can meet up again?" He asked as we came up to our places, "if you want..."

I smiled and kissed his cheek, "yeah. We'll come up with the details later but how about we get dessert the day after tomorrow?"

He nodded, "yeah sounds good. See you then."

"See you." I waved and went back to my place where I found my Mother waiting for me. 

"So you found a boy, huh? It's about you started dating..."

"We're not dating we're just talking." I replied and headed up to my room.

"That's what they all say!" Mother said with a laugh as I closed my door.

A little on the short side but it's all I could come up with.


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