Rin X Demon! Reader (Blue Exorcist) {Cold Hearted}

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Edit February 3, 2021: Alright so this is one of the one shots you should skip but it's also one that (from my quick search) has no pronouns or indications of gender. Please let me know if you see one those and I will correct it.

I never really had any talent, friends. I had music and cooking. Hell that's good enough for me. I've been cooking since I was five. I thought if I could cook for my friends then they would like me. But like I said I don't have any friends.

My damn Father and slut Mother were demons, working for none other satan him self, of course. I was raised to kill who ever my parents told me too. They never did anything, I was the one that made money.

I'm sixteen now, I finally had enough money to go to True Cross Academy. I can and will get the power to kill my parents.

Of course I didn't think about saving money to when I was living there, so I'm broke. I don't give a damn about that. I was here and that's all the matters. I was gonna drop out as soon as I got the power to kill my parents.

We were fighting today for the exorcist class. I use a sword. Nothing special just a sword mad out of copper. I was fighting against Rin. The other demon on this class.

"Okay!" The teacher said, "next up is (Y/n) and Rin, please take out your swords, and have a clean fight."

We all know that Rin doesn't take his sword out of the case, so nether did I.

Time skip brought to you by Author~Chan has no clue what to write for that scene

The fight was a draw, but I came out with worse injuries than Rin.

"Hey, nice fighting." Rin said. Really nice fighting. What the hell Rin.

I just glared at him, and walked back to my dorm. I saw a flier on the door to the building. I lived in the dorm building by myself, so it was weird seeing that.

I looked at the flier, 'cooking match!! Come show your cooking skills!! The prize is (whatever is a lot of money in your country)!' I was so excited! I could make money and do something that I'm good at! Finally!

Time skip to the day of the match brought to you by Author~Chan is half asleep

I looked around at the people I'm going up against, and saw Rin.

Oh! I forgot to tell you! Rin and I use to be friends. I ended that about two years before before we got to this school.

It was easier to kill people if you didn't have the child of satan watching your every move, when I told him he asked why.

I told him, "I know you father sent you to be my friend just to watch my every move. Good bye Rin. Have a nice life."

He was shouting my name, "wait! That's not true! He would never-" I was gone, away from my first crush for ever.

We both loved cooking, that was one of the reason we were best friends. Every time we cooked together the food would come out perfectly.

Rin never knew that I was a demon, but his brother knew it from the start. That's why he stayed away from me, and he still does to this day.

It was time to start the matches. I beat everyone of them with ease. It was the finally round, me against Rin.

We shook hands, and waited for the judges to tell us what to cook.

"Welcome to the finally round! This time you will a making any kind of summer food! You may begin!"

Rin and I ran over to where all the food is. I was making a stake with fried snap peas.

I grabbed the stuff I need, and ran over to my cooking station. We had one hour to cook everything.

When that hour was up, I was done cooking, and so was Rin.

Time skip brought to you by Author~Chan

Rin and I were in waiting room, the judges are making there decision.

"I'm surprised that you entered this thing." Rin said, looking over at me.

We were sitting across from each other, across the room of course.

"Whatever. Why do you care about that I do!" I said coldly.

"Calm down I was just trying to be nice. I'm sorry for whatever I did to you." He replied, looking a bit sad.

"You can thank you're father for that." I said, trying to stay as mean as possible.

"I know. That's what you told me. That day, I knew I would have to fight to get you back." Rin said, looking up at me.

"What are you talking about!?" I asked, but more like shouted.

"Your parents told you to stay away from me right? And the reason why you came here is to get the power to kill them, right?" He replied.

"How do you know about that? And why do you care!?" I said, walking half way over to me.

He met me in the middle, standing close to me. My heart was racing.

"Because I love you."

Yeah I'm gonna stop there. This one shot makes no sense! I'm sorry guys but I had no ideas for one shot. This was also a request.

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