Edward X Neutral! Reader (Fullmetal Alchemist) {School Days With Edward}

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Soooooooooooo I got one of my friends (that's right I have friends) into watching anime. So this guy texts me out of the blue while I was with my family "I hate you so much" LIKE WHAT!? Turns out he couldn't do his homework because he was too busy watching Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and stayed up until 2am watching it. So last week we both watched it and now he is watching other animes that I have told him about or what he has found.

Sooooooooo I wanted to write about Edward in school with the reader. Cause like I like school AU more than I should but like I really need to write something. Also wanted to practice writing gender neutral one shots. ANYWAY LET'S GO WITH THE ONE SHOT

It all started one out very first day of school. The day (Y/n) met Edward. He was the same height as the rest of us but he had golden eyes and hair. Which made him stand out in the class. He was a loud kid who cared a lot about his brother. When his mother dropped him off, he hugged his brother before entering the room. (Y/n)'s family was right behind them, the small child begging their mother to not make them go.

"Mother please!" They cried, "don't make me go! I want to stay with you!"

The mother smiled sadly at them, "everything will be okay. You are going to have so much fun and will make new friends. I will be back soon." The mother hugged her child before being approached by none other than Edward himself.

"What's the matter?" Edward asked (Y/n), "are you scared too?" The child nodded their head, too afraid to speak. "Here take my hand. We'll go in together." (Y/n) looked at their mother who gave them a reassuring smile before taking his hand.

The two entered the classroom together, hand in hand. (Y/n) seemed to be very scared compared to Edward who didn't seem to mind the other students. The teacher spotted them and greeted them, "hello!" He smiled, "welcome to your very first day of school!" Edward smiled back while (Y/n) tried to smile, but they were too scared. "Could you please tell me your names?" 

"My name is Edward." 


"Well Edward and (Y/n), your desks are right next to each other in the back, next to the window." The teacher said, pointing to the back coroner window. The teacher noticed them holding hands when they first walked in, but it wasn't doing any harm. He thought that it was sweet, thinking they were already friends. Or that it was the start to a friendship.

Edward and (Y/n) sat next to each other for the rest of the year.


Fast forward a few years, the two are now in junior high. They have been together as much as they possibly could. Hanging out after school when they were in different classes to (Y/n) becoming best friends with Edwards younger brother, Alphonse.

Edward already was interested in science, mostly chemistry. He would ask their science teacher a bunch of questions she didn't know the answer to. "Edward for the third time, I don't know." She mumbled as the final bell rang. "Come on Ed, let's go home." (Y/n) said, pulling Edward, by the ear, away from the teacher. "Hold on (Y/n)! Just a few more questions!" Edward exclaims as he was being dragged out of the classroom.

"You can ask her tomorrow, we need to go pick up Alphonse." They sighed, letting go of the blonde haired boy to close the classroom door.

He sighs and mumbles in agreement, "yeah I know."

"It was his first day of junior high after all. Hopefully he won't be like you."

"What's that supposed to mean!?" Edward shouts, "it's not like I was freaking out or anything."

"I had to duck tape you to a rolly chair and force you out of the lab room!" They shouted back.

Edward was silent after that. The two tried to meet up with the younger brother, but he was no where to be found. "Does he know where to meet us at?" (Y/n) mumbled.

"This is the entrance to the school, you can't miss it. He should be here by now..." Replied the older brother.

"Ed I'm worried. What if he's lost? This is a pretty big school..."

"Now you got me worried! Let's check all his classes, we did show him the right classrooms right?" Edward said panicking a little bit.

"Of course we did! Come on we got to hurry!" They shouted, running off to the first year hall.

"Hey there's no need to yell!" Edward shouts back, running after them.

They looked all over the first year hallway, but he was no where to be found.

"Where is he!?" Edward shouts in frustration.

"We checked every classroom in the hall." (Y/n) mumbled, "there's the bandroom and the artroom on the second year hall...."

"What are you mumbling about over there?" Edward asks.

"What's a not a classroom that is not offten used?" (Y/n) replies.

"Just the science labs-"

"That's it!" They both exclaim and take off running back down the hallway.

(Y/n) slams the door to the first year lab room open and Edward runs inside. "Al? Are you in here?" He calls out.

"Brother?" A response is heard in the back left corner.

Every was frozen in place until (Y/n) moves towards Alphonse. They held out their hand towards Alphonse.

Alphonse takes their hands and then is pulled into a hug. Edward joins in, "you had us so worried."

"I'm sorry. It was just too much and I had to hide. How did you guys find me?" Alphonse whispered.

"We searched every classroom on this hallway. When we didn't find you, (Y/n) thought that you would be somewhere that wasn't used very offten." Whispered the older brother.

"Edward loved this room and wouldn't leave on our first day. But it turned out to be a really funny story. Would you like to hear it on the way back home?" (Y/n) asked, pulling away from the group hug.

"Yeah." Alphonse smiles, "how come I haven't hurt it yet?"

"I've been saving it for a rainy day. And it seems that day is today." They reply as Alphonse wipes his eyes with his sleeve.

Edward smiles at (Y/n) as they exit the science lab. Knowing that he had made the right choice on his very first day of school.

Wow didn't see that happening. You see this wasn't going to be a friend thing. Like I was going to write about them dating but I guess not. Anyway this is something on the smaller side so I can write something that isn't for homework.

(Wow this one shot doesn't flow very well)


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