Red X Fem!Reader (Pokémon) {Help Me Save Them}

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                                                                            ⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING⚠️
I "hated" Pokémon. They are the "worst" things every and I "want them all dead." My "friend", Red, and I went to "kill" Pokémon almost every night. Hate us yet? Well, here's how that goes.

"(Y/n)! Get your ass down here now!" My mother screamed. I ran down stairs as fast as I could, "Yeah," I said, jumping of the last two steps, making a perfect landing, "what's up?"

"That Red Kid is here. Take your phone and kill more of those wretched creatures." I nodded and ran towards the door, "don't come back until you've kill at least four!" My mother yelled as I closed the door.

"Hey." Red said, with his charming smile.

"Hey yourself." I said, "what took you so long?" We started walking away from my house and headed to the city.

"Sorry, I had to make sure I got everything before I came and got you."

"How much did you forget this time?"

"Just some stuff here and there...."

"So half of everything?"

"Shut up!" Red said and playfully pushed my arm.

"Ready to "kill"?" I asked making quotation marks around kill.


Do you get it now? No? Still think we're, "killers" and we "hate" Pokémon? Well now.......

When we arrived in the city, "Hey Red how much do you have?"

"Enough for three days. What about you?"

"I just got payed, after we get more "weapons" I should have enough for five days."

"Well we better hurry and get more "weapons" before they close."

I nodded and took off running, "race ya!"

"No fair! You got a head start!"

"All is fair in love and war!"

"You're lucky I love you!"

All is fair in love and war was our 'always, always' and 'Okay, Okay' from The Fault In Our Stars.

Red and I got to the poké ball shop at the same time. Just like it always is. We entered and the cashier welcomed us.

"Hey guys! I was wondering when my favorite couple would show up."

"You always say that." I said, "did you save any quick balls for us?"

The cashier nodded, "I save as much as I could. Boss man came by right when I started hiding them."

"Don't worry, we just need seventy quick, forty ultra and, two master, and fourteen great. Do have all of that?" Red asked.

"Yeah, I'll be right back." The cashier said and head to the back of the store. Red and I leaned against the wall.

I looked at Red, "is this finally gonna put a stop to this?"

He took his hand in mine, "All is fair in love and war. That's our saying right? And you love me, right?"

"Of course I do!"

"So we are both in love and this is the war we are fighting. We will win, and if we don't then we have a back up plan."

"Which is?"

He squeezed my hand, "we take everything and run."

"Red we tried that already! That's how we got into this mess!"

"(Y/n), we weren't even fifteen. We know what we are doing now. This will work out, we will save them. I promise."

The cashier came back, "here you guys go." Red and I payed and said our final good bye to the cashier.

What are we doing? Well here's a back story that you might hate.

I was born in a hospital, that was the first time I ever heard my parents screaming at each other. They were fighting over who I would stay with. My parents were already divorced by the time I was born, as you can see. My father was a Pokémon trainer, mother hated that. So my father never told her, that is until the got married. They were so in love that my mother "didn't care" that there was Pokémon in the house. One day she snapped, she wanted them all dead. You see, my mother was left by her parents because of Pokémon. Ever since then when ever she saw one she would hurt it so badly that it would run away.

What does this have to do with what Red and I were doing?

My mother has killed some Pokémon before, and I never want to see that again. So my childhood friend, Red and I decided to catch all of the Pokémon that we could. Not all of them okay, so don't freak out. We are just catching one of each. Our saying, all is fair in love and war, comes from this. My mother doesn't know that we are dating, we are "just friends" to her.

Anyway, back to Red and I.

We were walking to our last stop and in hand. I grabbed my fishing pole and sat down on the beach. Red wrapped his arms around me.

"We just need three Polkwhirl, two Psyduck, and three Azurill before we can climb that mountain." I said.

"I can't believe it, we need less than ten in the mountain and we are done."

"But then the hardest part comes next."

"Don't worry, we will tell your mother and leave. It's that simple."

"I hope so..."

We got the Pokémon that we needed in a weeks time. And then we told my mother that we're leaving to be Pokémon trainers. Even though, we already are. It's been ten years since then, I wear my gold band every day and Red does the same.

We have two twin sons who both have there own dreams. One wants to be a doctor and the other doesn't know yet. My mother never forgot what Pokémon did to her and never forgave them. She died of a heart attack the day if our wedding. Red and I live somewhat happily with our sons and Pokémon. When I say somewhat I mean we are always fighting that war. Even with my mother gone, there will always be people that want to kill Pokémon.

When our sons turned fifteen they both went off to do there own thing. The one that didn't know what he wanted to do followed in our foot steps.

"All is fair in love and war!" He showed as him and his lover went off on there own mission whatever that may be.

Wow, that sucked. Not at all what I was thinking but oh well. Yes I did read The Fault In Our Stars and damn that was a good book. I'm still waiting to date someone and fined out what the fuck imma do when I grow up.

~Dragneel out

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