Punk! Sasuke X Female! Reader (Naruto) {The Girl Across The Hall}

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Honestly, this isn't too much of a x female !reader, just a few details sound better with he or she pronouns in my opinion. 

"Hey did you hear about the girl who moved in across from us?" A blonde haired boy walking in front of me asked his friend.

"Yeah what about her?" He replied, not seeming interested in the conversation. 

"I heard she's cute~" the boy said, "you should go talk to her? She could be just as edgy as you~"

"Shut up, Naruto. If you think she's so cute then why don't you talk to her?"

"They say that she's mean, cold, heartless and more! So I figured you guys would get along."

I decided to get ahead of them when we were going up the stairs. "Damn, when will they fixed the elevator already?! I didn't pay all this money for this!" Naruto shouted and I slipped by them.

"Will you ever stop talking? You're so annoying."

"You're not as cool as you think you are Sasuke! With all your tattoos and pricing! How have you not had an infected yet!"

"Because I know how to take care of myself and not eat ramen everyday." Sasuke replied in a calm voice. 

We all made it to our dorms and began to unlock them. Since I got to mine first, they stopped and looked me for a moment. "Oh shit." Sasuke mumbled, "look what you did now Naruto." I closed my door and a frown appeared on my face. 

"Me! What the hell did I do!?" Jeez that guy is loud.

Do they really see me like that?

The boys door was closed with a slam as I slid into the floor, back against the door. My head hit the door with a bang. It had been raining for the passed few days now. Some classes were canceled due to flooding.

My phone buzzed and an email from the uni popped up on the lock screen.

'All classes have been canceled and after school activates due to flooding. Stay safe out there.' The email read and a sigh of relief left my lips.

No going out tomorrow, sounds almost like a dream. As I sat on my dorm room floor, I stared out the window. Never been a big fan of the rain, it can cause some problems if too much coming down at once.

After sitting for what felt like ten minutes, I decided to get up and make some dinner. 


The rain stopped after awhile, the sun was already set. Clouds moved on to the next city, letting the stars shine. I headed up to the roof to look at them. This always helped to clear my head.

I stood in the middle of the roof, not wanting to get close to the edge. Sighing, I looked up at the star filled night sky. Thoughts and daydreams, more like non-sleeping dreams, entered my mind like a bullet train. 

The door opened after a half an hour and appeared Sasuke. He noticed me standing there and walked over to me. I stayed in my place, not wanting to leave.

"Sorry about earlier," he started to say as he sat down on the roof, "my roommate can be an ass sometimes."

"You're right about that." I replied, taking a seat next to him.

"So, you're not a heartless bitch after all." 

"For now, not everyone tracks down a person just to apologize you know." 

He chuckled, "it just so happened that you were up here as well. Always wanted to try this spot out. Does anyone else come up here?" 

I shook my head, "nope just me. I like it that way."

"Better get used to me then, it's a nice place to stay." 

I laughed, "you won't stay very long."

"Oh yeah?" He challenged, a smirk making its way onto his lips.

"Yeah," I replied, turning to face him. It was then I realized that he moved closer trying to intimidate me.

"And what makes you think that I won't? After all, who would leave a cute girl up here all on her own?"

"A boy with a duck ass hair cut." I said with a snicker.

He glared at me, "I bet that you won't be able to stay away from me in a matter of days." 

I returned the glare, "what makes you think that?"

He placed his hand on the back of my hand, moving my face closer to his. I quickly moved my face to the side, avoiding his lips being crashed with mine. "Because you'll want to know what kissing me would be like."

I scoffed, "do you do this with everyone person you meet? Do you have every girl you've ever kissed pick out a tattoo or piercing for you?"

He rolled his eyes, "you'll never know unless you stay up here. Nice come back by the way, learned that when you were five I'm guessing?"

A puzzled look appeared on my face, "I didn't know a ducks ass could talk! I'm amazed! The science professors need to see this! They'll be amazed!"

Sasuke once again tried to kiss me, but he was still too slow. Guess that was his best idea to get me to stop talking.

"Sorry but I don't kiss duck asses."

"You will once you give my lips a taste." He replied, showing off his tongue piercing.

I laughed, "that's all you got?"

"Well since I can't kiss you, for now that is, or get to to stop talking, my options are limited."

"You could ask me out, unless you don't want to go out with someone who's heartless."

"If you were so heartless then this wouldn't be happening, now would it?" He didn't let me respond, "I'm covered in tattoos and have a few piercing, something that can scare people away.  You have yet to do so. Plus I've tried to kiss you twice now. Most girls would have smacked me and ran off by now. So what makes you stay?"

"I was waiting for you to have your heart to heart moment among all of this. Now that it have passed, I'll take my leave. See you later duck ass." I said as I stood up to walk over to the door.

His foot steps were loud as he ran over to me, and decided to push me up against the door, "can't leave just yet," he said and kissed me, "after all, you have to know what it feels like to me kissed by a punk duck."

Yes, this was random and I kinda like it. It has some weird moments and also I got to make fun of an anime trope. I know Sasuke is not acting like a punk 100% but I didn't want him to T_T I WANT HIM TO JUST BE AN ASSHOLE THAT DRESSES LIKE A PUNK OKAY!! Who am I even yelling at....


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