Karma Akabane x Fem! Reader (Assassination Classroom) {20 Questions Gone Wrong}

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Once again I had to cut the title short so that everything would fit. Why do I make the titles so long? This is a request!

"Sooooooo (Y/n)~" Rio Nakamura sang coming closer to my desk, "what's your take on Karma~"

Looking up from one of the many study guides Koro Sensei has given us over the school year, I looked at Nakamura. Her face was full of mischief and ready for whatever I was about to say to her. "Eh he's a friend." I replied which of course was a lie. Who wouldn't at least think that Karma was cute, once you get passed all the craziness. 

"Really?" She said in a disappointed voice, "I need a scoop! Drama! A new ship! Anything to get me through this boring day!" I laughed at her over dramatic side, she was quite the actor when need be. "How long have you guys been friends anyway?"

"I know we met before Karma and Nagisa became friends, honestly I have no idea. We've been friends for too long." I replied with a soft smile.

"Ugh why does that have to be so cute!" Nakamura groaned, "why can't I have a story like that!" She then laid her head down on her desk in defeat.

"Okay class," Koro Sensei said as he slid the classroom door open. "We have a bit of a problem..."

"Can't it wait until after English class?" Isogai asked, the class nodding along.

"Yeah about that...." Koro Sensei mumbled under his breath, "you see...."

"Would you just say it all ready!" Terasaka shouts from the back of the class."

"It appears Ms. Jelavić has gone missing." Mr. Karasuma stepped in for Koro Sensei, "so there will be no English class until we find her."

"And now you want us to find her, right?" Nakamura said.

"That is correct, think of it as assassination training." Mr. Karasuma replied, "you have to find your  target before the assassination can even begin."

"He kind of has a point." Nagisa sighed, "it would be good practice after all."

"Then we have no choice," Isogai sighed, "we'll help you."

"Great!" Cheered Koro Sensei, "I will split you up into groups of two before you go looking for her. So let's have Nagisa and Kayano, Nakamura and Isogai, (Y/n) and Karma..."

I stopped listing to Koro Sensei after he said my name. Of course he would put me with Karma, we are best friends after all. Still it would be weird if my teacher, who I have to kill, knew if I had a crush on Karma.

After the rest of class was slit into groups of two, Karma and I met up before heading out to find Bitch Sensei. "Hey wanna ditch? This is going to be so boring." Karma asked me, "I'm sure we can hide out in the forest and no one would find us."

I agreed and followed Karma out into the forest. We have our own hang out spot near the cliff where we go to ditch from time to time.

When we arrived, Karma already had something planned for us to do in order to make time pass. "Why don't we play twenty questions?"

"Yeah sure, do you have something in mind already?" I asked.

"Yes and that counts as one of your questions. You now have nineteen left." Karma said with a wicked smile.

"Fine." I said with a glare, "does it have to do with our class?"

"Yes, eighteen questions left."

"Is it an assassination technique?"

"No, seventeen questions left." Karma knew that reminding me of the amount questions I have left would only piss me off. It was like he already knew he would win, and I was just waisting my time.

This went on for awhile, both of us never guessed what the other was thinking.

"Okay pause on the game, I have a question to ask you."

"Uh (Y/n), the game is called 'twenty questions' you have to ask a question." Karma said with a chuckle, "but go ahead and ask your question. You are my best friend after all."

"Do you like someone?" I asked, "I head that you boys were talking about who likes who during the first school trip." I made sure to cover myself just incase he got suspicious. 

"Yeah Okada. With our-" Karma stops mid sentence when he saw me stand up. His face softened too, guess he noticed my sad face.

"Oh look at the time! I have to go now, see you tomorrow!" Rushing out of there was a stupid move, but I didn't want to cry in front of him. 

"But that's the wrong way!" He shouted after me, but I kept on running. Deeper and Deeper into the forest.

I looked up to see where I was, which turned out to be a huge mistake. Of course there was a tree root that was on the surface of the earth. And of course I tripped over it and ended up sliding into the river. "Shit!" I cured, "why is there a river here!" Flailing my arms around did help much, but I didn't have much choice. Maybe I should have taken swimming lessons when I was a kid after all.

Just when I was giving up hope to making it out of the rushing river, red hair peaks out of the sea of trees. "So you're taking a swim?" Karma asked with a smug look on his face.

"Help me!" I yelled at him, "I can't swim." Karma then realized that this wasn't a time to be playing around. He dove into the river and wrapped on arm around my waist, dragging me out of the river.

After a slow passing minute of silence, "why did you run off back there?" Karma asked, "you own me this answer, don't even try to get out of it."

"Because I like you!" I shouted, knowing that I couldn't say it any other way. Karma tried to reply, but I cut him off before he was able to. "I didn't want to tell you because we are best friends! Telling you that would only ruin our friendship! And-"

Karma cut me off with the same method Nagisa used to calm Kayano down. With a kiss to powerful to break away from.

"If you had let me talk I wouldn't have done that, but you didn't leave me any choice." He chuckled, "I like you too (Y/n). If you did tell me before I wouldn't have joked about like Okada. And if had let me finish back there you would have known I was joking."

Feeling my face heat up, I covered my face with my hands out of embarrassment. Karma laughed and pulled my hands away from my face. "So do you want to upgrade to dating? I would love to kiss that pretty whenever I want too~"

Knowing that he said that last part just to make me smile, I nodded my head. "Yes of course you idiot." Karma and I kissed for the second time that afternoon before standing up.

"Come on let me walk you back to your place. After all I doubt you would want to explain why we went for a swim to the class." Karma said, taking my hand in his to hold.

"More like almost die..." I mumbled and then Karma kissed again.

"No being upset now, I'll have to keep kissing you until you stop." He said with a smile on his lips.

Okay yes I made Karma less of a jackass but I believe that he would act nicer (or more of a jackass) around the person he likes. Today I found out what classes I will be taking for this school year. Yay! *lots of sarcasm*Anyway I hope you guys liked this one shot and I will see you later!


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