Cheerful!Oikawa X Angsty!Fem!Reader (Haikyuu!!) {Town Of Jade} Part Two

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Here we go, part two cause I really like this idea!

Years have passed since (Y/n) and Oikawa first met. They became really close friends during their first year of school. Some of the other students found it weird that they are only friends with each other. Many of them wonder why (Y/n) only talks to Oikawa and why Oikawa speaks for her during class.

"Soooooooooooooo~" Oikawa smiles at his best friend, "it's our last year in junior high! Come on we got to make it the best school year!" He quickly noticed that she didn't smile back. It hit him that (Y/n) stop smiling a lot over the passed year.

She was never one to talk about her personal life, even with Oikawa. Then again it's not like they spend much time apart. They would always walk home after Oikawa finishes volley ball practice. (Y/n) would hang out in the art room until Oikawa came to get her. Or if she needed to drag Oikawa out of the gym and bring him to his house.

She had been acting a little strange the passed few weeks. (Y/n) would always be listening to music no matter what. During class she would hide on of her ear buds in her uniform shirt sleeve. That way during class she was able to listen to music during class by resting her head in her hand. Only she really wasn't, the cord that connected the headphones to the phone would be tucked into her shirt along with the phone. A little trick she picked up after a month of having a phone.

Even though she was listening to music with one ear bud in and one ear bud out. Some how (Y/n)'s phone still hasn't died yet. It was very late as the two best friends walked home.

"Everything okay?" He asked her, tilting his head.

"No. Everything isn't okay." She mumbled, "nothing has been okay. I have really never talked to anyone but you? Why do you still hang around me, Oikawa? What's going to happen when you go to high school? There's nothing to look forward too. I feel like I'm just rotting away." (Y/n) spoke very fast, Oikawa couldn't keep up.

All he knows is that his best friend was sad. Very, very sad. She was panicking and he hated seeing her like this. He knew that he had to take her mind off of everything.

"If that's the case then how about tomorrow we go on a date?" He asked her, with a serious yet cheerful face.

She finally looks up at him with a shocked look on her face. "You have got to be kidding me...."

"Nope," Oikawa took her hand in his, picking up the other ear bud. He knows how much she loves Vocaloid and rock music. "Town Of Jade, huh?"

"Yeah I really like it." She mumbles but then it hits her. "You said lyrics from the song!?"

Oikawa smiles, "yeah I listened to it last night. Not too sure why you like it but you're my best friend...."

Silence filled the air along with the sun beaming down, spring is here with summer fast approaching. "Spring is already here you know. We'll meet up at the bus stop and we'll go somewhere. Passed the city somewhere far away tomorrow." They arrived at the street where they go off onto separate paths. 

"Yeah umm, okay...." (Y/n) mumbled as Oikawa disappears down the street.


The weekend arrived and a knock was heard on the door. (Y/n) opened the door to see a smiling Oikawa, "good morning (Y/n)-chan!"

She groaned, "I thought you were kidding." She mumbled, still not completely awake yet.

"Didn't I say that I wasn't? Now C'mon! I have our whole day planned out!" He cheered while she just gave him a blank stare. ".....You're going to slam the door aren't you?"

"Well not now, jeez..." she runs her fingers through her hair, "come on in. Make yourself at home while I get ready."

Once (Y/n) disappears, Oikawa's lips turn into a sneaky grin. He begins to look around the small house. Anything that can tell him what's been going on inside his best friend's head. After snooping around her living room, he has decided that she is still a bookworm who draws a lot. Next up was the kitchen.

He noted that the house was very clean, not a speck of dust in sight. The first thing he noticed was the amount of dishes in the sink. Most of them were filled with water in the sink or are placed in the drying rack. Then he looked through the cabinets. A few instant products put not many.

The next thing that caught his attention was the fridge. It was covered in art work and a few pictures. Most of the art works were from fandoms she is apart off. The pictures were the most surprising thing Oikawa saw.

One was of her family. Who he had never had the chance of meeting, well not her father or mother. She is the youngest of the family out of one brother and one sister. Her father was holding her older brother's hand while her sister was holding (Y/n) in her arms. So then where was her mother?

The picture next to that one was take when she won her very fist art competition. Oikawa thinks back to when he took this picture. After all, he was the one that singed her up for it. The competition took place in the middle of their very first year of junior high. She yelled at him the time as they walked to the sight where the competition was held. And yet her hands where shaking the whole time. Oikawa didn't care that he was being yelled at, he knew that she would win the competition. 

When they  that she was the winner, her face dropped. (Y/n) ran out of the place without thinking  twice. She didn't want to win, he found out later. She didn't want to be in the center of attention. She wanted to hide from everyone. Which is why Oikawa signed her up for this competition. He wanted to show her what an amazing artist she was. Then again, the plan back fired on him.

Oikawa chased after her, down the street, across the road until she went to hide in there special hideout. They would use it for doing homework in after school, hiding from Oikawa's fan girls and a few times from (Y/n)'s siblings when they played hide-and-go-seek.

The very last picture was a special one. It was a selfie of them in the hideout. (Y/n) bought a disposable camera the day before Oikawa's first junior high volleyball game. He was so excited for the game. He knew that (Y/n) cheered for him and their team louder than any of his fan girls. 

They lost that game and made (Y/n) regret buying the camera. Still she wanted him to have a happy memory. So she challenged him to a race, who ever makes it to the hideout first wins. Knowing that Oikawa wouldn't ask what the winner gets, he takes off without a second thought. (Y/n) chases after him and yells taunts at him to make him speed up. In the end, Oikawa won of course. She passed him the camera and told him to take a selfie.

They ended up taking so many silly pictures in that hideout. So what is the one hanging on the fridge?

"Alright, let's go." (Y/n) said, walking back into the living room.

"Jeez it's about time! I have so much planned and so little time!" Oikawa smiled and dragged his best friend out of the house. She locked the door and they began walking to the first place Oikawa was taking (Y/n).

What was the picture of them in their hideout? It was a selfie of Oikawa holding the camera and they both held up peace signs. If you look close enough, you can see something carved into the their hideout.  'Oikawa + (Y/n) forever best friends'

Ha ha! I didn't think I would write this. Then again this was a random idea but I will write about what they do I promise. But I couldn't just let this idea go to waste. After all, I think how this turned out. It tells you a little more about them and about the reader.

(Did it take me a whole hour longer to write this because 2000's music distracted me? Yes. Do I regret it? Nope.)


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