"About what?" My dad asked fully turning to my side. The frown on his head increased which instantly showed the wrinkles on his face. "I want to pursue masters." I said.

"Wow! That's great." Mom looked happy. They always wanted me to study as much as I could.

"But, from the same University in NYC." I said and right as I had imagined the frowns on their faces were back again. "We have nice universities in this city too." Dad said.

"But dad I want to pursue masters and I want to work in AH. I'll appear for a full-time content writer interview after I am done with my exams." I told them. Dad looked unconvinced and momma was soon going to start her crying drama.

"You can work here too." Dad reasoned.

"But, I want to work there. Please." I said. Dad shook his head which almost made me cry.

"She's a brilliant woman, Mr Abraham. She had designed most of our web content which was just amazing. For her personal growth and development, I think you should give her one chance." Sugar daddy said to my dad.

"She's my only child. You wouldn't understand." He said shaking his head.

"I understand. I have a daughter too. I understand you are worried about her but she can be on her own. She can even visit you every month. Do not worry about her. She can take care of herself."

Dad nodded and looked at me, "We will see about it."

I couldn't believe he said that because whenever he said that it meant a yes. Momma on the other hand didn't look very happy. Momma then offered us to have dinner. She had prepared Lemon chicken, avocado chicken burritos, cauliflower rice and rice pilaf which were definitely my favourites. Sugar daddy sat right in front of me whiles my parents sat opposite to each other and adjacent to me.

My momma served each one of us and when we started eating, dad asked sugar daddy, "So, how long have you been working for AH?"

"For almost twenty-two years." He replied putting a spoonful of rice pilaf in his mouth and complimenting my mother's cooking. She instantly blushed and thanked him.

"Twenty-two years?" Dad chuckled. "How old are you man?"

I looked up to see him staring me before he said anything I replied my dad, "He seems to be in his thirties." My dad nodded. "That's what I was thinking but then how could he work for the company for twenty-two years?"

"Maybe he was in his early teens when he started going to the company." I replied. I fucking knew I was fucking up but I didn't know how to take it. I chugged down the whole glass of water as his gaze never left me.

"So, did you go to the company with your father? I assume that your father was an ex-employee there." Dad grabbed his attention. Sugar daddy didn't say anything but just nodded his head.

"Who all are there in your family?" Mom inquired. He looked at my mom and replied, "Me and my daughter."

"Wife?" She asked. "No, he doesn't have a wife." I answered for her and my father gave me an awkward look. "Oh! I thought that was a wedding band." My mom said looking at his fourth finger. He put his hand under the table and nodded.

"It is. I'm a widower." He replied which made me little upset in my heart.

"I'm really sorry." Mom had sympathy for him in her eyes and I didn't like it. I knew he hated it too.

"It must be hard to raise a young daughter alone." She commented. I pinched her thigh under the table indicating her to shut up. He did not like the conversation anymore. "How young is she?" Dad asked him.

He avoided eye contact with anyone and played with the chicken on his plate. "She's is young, dad." I kind of tried to dismiss the conversation.

"Like in kindergarten?" He asked. I nodded my head trying to shut up dad. "Oh! That's really sad." He uttered which made sugar daddy look at me with a mix of disbelief and anger. He left the spoon and it tinged with the dish which made both my parents look at him. He looked suddenly angry.

"I'm not your daughter's boss. I'm her boyfriend and I am forty-seven. My daughter isn't in kindergarten. She's an aerospace engineer at my company. She is twenty." His eyes bore into me as he said all that without caring about anything.

For a few moments, I didn't dare to ever move under his glare. My parents didn't utter a single word and then finally my momma looked at me and asked, "Is that true, Ursa?"

I gulped the content in my mouth and looked at him. I nodded my head slowly and heard my father sigh angrily. At that moment the only thing that mattered was he had guts to tell my parents about us which meant he wasn't fooling around with me. If he could accept his relationship with me then I could too. When I looked at him again, he looked a bit relaxed and satisfied.

"That's nice." I heard my father say after a while.

I couldn't believe that I heard it from him. My momma on the other hand did show her displeasure by tinkering the cutleries. I didn't like the show she was putting on in front of him

My dad resumed the conversation with sugar daddy again which made me relieve. After a while, he asked my momma to show me the dresses she had bought for me.

She asked me to follow her and then she showed me a few of the dresses she had got for me. They were really nice and I decided to take them with me to NYC. I checked the wall clock. It was almost half an hour that I had left sugar daddy alone with my dad.

"Did you find a forty-seven old man to fall for?" I heard my mom say in disbelief.

"He's really nice." I turned to her.

"We had sent you to NYC to study not to..." She trailed off looking so disappointed. "Momma!" I tried reaching for her. There was a knock on the door. Momma went to open the door. I saw my father standing there looking at me so angrily.

"Where's Aoran?" I asked as anxiety started to fill my veins.

"He left." He told me.

Left? He couldn't leave me alone without saying a word! I was instantly alarmed. My ears were instantly red in nervousness and as I tried to run out of my room, dad pushed me back and I fell on the floor. "What did you say to him?" I cried.

"Stay here! It was a mistake sending you away." Momma yelled at me.

Tears messed up my face as I tried to get up but momma and dad both left leaving me locked in my room.

***To Be Continued***

What do you think about the chapter guys? What do you think will happen next?

Only For Him {COLLINS #2} 🔞✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora