Chapter 2

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Travis turned out to be a chatterbox. "So you're new here? As a senior? Man that must be rough. Don't worry though, it's not as bad as the rumors. I mean, I did see about two fights this morning, and then the three stooges you encountered, but it's not all that bad. Just find a good group of friends and you're set. Are you at the dorms? I am. Been there my whole high school career. I wouldn't have it any other way. We have some really good times in the dorm. Wow! Your hair is pretty long. I'm pretty good with styling. I do most of the boys in the dorms, so you should let me do yours."

He talked without breathing, not letting Jonas utter a word - not like he would have.  He had become accustomed to being silent.   Travis talked until they made it to their classroom. He led him over to some seats and pulled Jonas next to him. 

The seats were getting filled, and a group of guys loudly crashed through the door laughing.  Travis waved to them and they all sat around him, giving Jonas a cautious look. Jonas didn't bother with them and pulled out Stephen King's The Shining and started to read.

"Travis, did those stooges mess with you again this morning?"  One of the boys asked.

Travis shrugged.  "They tried.  Luckily... um..."  He tapped on Jonas' shoulder making him give Travis a questioning look.  "I never got your name." 

Travis blushed realizing he never asked. Jonas held in a chuckle seeing the flustered look on his face.  "Jonas." His voice was low and deep, drawing the attention of the others around him.

The name seemed unfamiliar coming from his mouth. He was always Joey - the fun loving kid. But now the name seemed so formal, so distant and cold.

Travis brightened. "Jonas helped me out."

One of the guys patted Jonas on the shoulder, seemingly excited for a new friend.  "Thanks man.  We try to watch each other's back, but we lost sight of Travis for a moment.  I'm Jaiden."  Jaiden was tall and a little lanky, but was still good looking.  Pale skin with sandy blonde hair cut close to his head.

Another kid with olive skin and long black hair that was tied back held out his hand. He had a stocky build with thick arms. "Millan." Jonas shook it and nodded.

The last boy was leaning back in his chair and looking Jonas up and down. Jonas's eyes lingered on him. His hair was dyed silver and had dark green eyes, which looked striking against his bronzed skin. He had a strong jaw line that led up to a long chain earring hanging from one ear. He was sitting, but Jonas could tell that he had a strong build, similar to his.  Jonas' gaze moved towards the boy's his fingers. They were long and delicate looking, but his knuckles were scarred like Jonas. Too many fights could cause those scars. Jonas' mind wandered and came back to those fingers that intrigued him. A thought invaded his mind: How would they feel on my body?

That thought alarmed him for a moment and he shook off the feeling. Jonas had no idea how he kept a straight face and luckily no one knew of the intense heat he felt rushing inside of him. He quickly suppressed it, but it was only momentarily. He once again lost reasoning when he made eye contact with the boy.

Jonas had been with a number of girls but it was the first time he really believed that someone's eyes could be beautiful. There was no other word for them. They stood out like a raw gemstone. But under the beauty, there was a rage and fire that matched Jonas. A kindred fire.

The unusual tension between them sparked, making the others hesitant because the didn't know how this would play out.  Both boys had such strong poker faces that no one knew if they would attack each other or not.

"Hugh." The silver head boy said.

Jonas just gave him a quick nod, not wanting his voice to betray him. He was about to read his book again when Jaiden slung his arm around Jonas' shoulders.  He was always touchy with people and never cared if they were comfortable or not.

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