49. America's Home-wrecker

Start from the beginning

"No! Is there something wrong?"

"Oh my god! They are following us!" - Blair who's looking over her shoulder gasps.

Before I know exactly what I'm doing Jason is already on the line.

"Hey, Aitch!"

"Did something happen to my dad? Is he okay?" - When he takes too much time to respond my heart starts to beat faster and my panic mode is ready to take over. His sigh doesn't help at all. "Jason! Where is my dad?"

"We're at his house, you better get here as soon as possible!"

"What's going on? Pass the phone to my dad!" - I rush my words out.

"I don't think he can speak to you right now."

"He can't speak to me? Is he okay Jason? What's wrong?"

"I have to go Aitch! Get here as soon as possible! - and with that, the line goes flat.

"Please drive me to my father's house." - I ask the driver and pass a hand over my forehead. My father is a healthy man, he can't get sick. Maybe he fell and since he is a pretty big man he hurt himself. Or maybe he had a car accident, he likes to speed around. I knew those sport cars would get him in trouble one day. Or, maybe... what if somebody wanted to take Suge out and my father was with him, accidentally! I bite my trembling bottom lip and try my best to keep calm.

Sometimes bad things gather and decide to bomb all at once! Making you feel like you can't do anything to stop them from coming and attacking. Making you feel hopeless.

I don't think the car had fully stopped when I opened the door and rushed towards the entrance of the mansion. I scan the opened garage. My father's car is parked perfectly fine with the other cars.

Nikolay is at the door smoking with Suge's goons. Nikolay never smokes unless something really bad happened. The slight relief I had from seeing my dad's car unscrewed vanishes when I see a bunch of men smoking by the door.

"Aitch!" - He speaks when he sees me running.

"Nic, where's my dad?!" - I babble grabbing his arm as I trip on my own feet. He keeps me from falling and opens the door for me.

I sense Suge's goons stiff around me as I search for an answer on their faces. While I walk inside the house. The hallway is full of people. I recognize some as marketing agents from Interscope.

"Did he fall somewhere? Is he sick? Did you call a doctor?" - I return to Nikolay again. His eyebrows pull together in a confused expression.

"You have no idea, don't you?" - he softly takes a step back from me.

"CAN SOMEBODY TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON, ALREADY!"" - I shout as loud as my vocals can handle. Frustration taking place instead of panic. Why doesn't anyone tells me what's going on? What can be so bad they can't tell me?

Jason finally shows up on the staircase with a bunch of magazines in his hands. Why does everyone look worried and doesn't tell me anything?

"For God's sake tell me what's going on?" - I ask looking at him as my final chance.

"This is what's going on!" - He mutters turning the covers of the magazines to me.

In bold white font, my name is written next to Marshall's! A picture of us in New York takes all the space of the cover. His hand is on my neck, our eyes locked and I'm charmed by him. The headline: "AMERICA'S SWEETHEART LIKES THE BAD BOYS!" feels like a slap in my face. I grab Nikolay's arm when my body fails me. I chew on my bottom lip when the sight turns fuzzy and my body turns cold.

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