"W-well, I wanted to see you," you say, "I didn't really care about what I'm wearing. It's not like you're properly clothed, either. . ."

He blushes, looking down.

It's the cutest thing you've ever seen.

You sigh. He seems better, more awake, although that's probably because he's gotten more sleep than usual. What should you say? Should you even say anything. . . ?

"Hey," he says, interrupting your thoughts, "why do you look so down?"

His words and concerned expression do it, and suddenly you're crying softly.

"I-I'm sorry," you say between sobs, "Royals shouldn't cry as much as I do."

"No." He takes your hand in both of his. "Even royals must cry, sometimes, I think."

That only makes you cry more, the tears flowing faster but quietly. It's a numbness overcoming you, that Shoto's going to die. You sit by him, unmoving, your cheeks wet with tears.

"This might not be the best time," Shoto says, his voice breaking through your despair, "but I have a question. You've asked me before, and I didn't really reply because I thought it wasn't the right time. . ."

"Yes?" You sniffle, wiping your face.

"Will you marry me?"

For a second, you're speechless, not sure what to say. The words are there, but so is the doubt.

"Because I love you."

The words aren't yours, surprisingly, but Shoto's. The boy who's on his supposed death bed. The boy with a scar and stoic gaze. The boy who makes your heart skip beats and your mind do backflips. 

Shoto Todoroki, the boy you love.

"Of course. I l-love you too."

You sniffle, wiping the tears and snot from your face. You can only imagine how messy you look; all snotty, face red, in a thin dress with leaves in your hair. Shoto looks ridiculous also, shirtless, all bandaged, with a goofy smile on his face.

The words aren't as perfect as you imagined, the moment not as ethereal. The exchange was unexpected and sloppy, but perhaps you preferred it that way, because it meant all the more. 

It was imperfect, as all things are, the same as your relationship. A moment sprung out of nowhere, just like your arranged marriage.

But to you it makes all the difference.

You trace a finger along Shoto's jaw, his eyes granting permission for something more than words. Something that can describe your feelings better than words.

Maybe time stopped when your lips met his, but you'll never be for sure, because all that matters is Shoto, your fiancé, your love, your world. You wouldn't have noticed if the world exploded, because a thousand words pass between you, all the 'I love you's and the 'my love's you don't want to miss. The person you'll spend the rest of your life missing.

You put your power into that kiss, your love, all into one hug and touch between lips. 

He hugs you tight, pulling you in close, and you feel him grow warm, cold, all at once, the familiarity making you want more.

You're careful, wrapping your body in just the right way so you don't touch his wound. 

Suddenly that's all that's on your mind. His wound. His hurt. His pain. His smiling eyes when he sees you, even though he's been stabbed and could die. His calm, reassuring gaze.

His lips on yours, his hand on your hip.

If only there was a way you could return the happiness you feel when you're around him. 

If only there was a way to stop his pain.

You give him your power. You give him your heart.

You give him your energy, and the rest of your consciousness, until the world fades to black.

The last thing you see is his surprised expression, and you can feel the smile on your face.


The poll results:

Villain Deku fic it is!!

But would you guys rather have. . .

. . .a villain Deku x reader?


. . .a normal villain Deku fic focusing on Izuku and his evil-ness??

Keep in mind I won't publish it until after Ethereal is finished, so please be patient  😁

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