Chapter 71: The Disappeared

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Liang Wan's investigation was very simple. These young designers were only teenagers, and at that time in China, it was proposed that teenagers could learn professional skills in youth classes [1].

It was possible that this group of children— starting from the first sessions in '78, '79 and '80— may all be listed on the drawings, but the number of children's classes was limited at that time. So long as she could access the files, they could easily be found.

It wasn't a stretch of the imagination to believe that these children were all military resources at that time. Of course, the development of these youth classes later didn't pan out to be military resources, but among the children in the earliest classes, there were more than a few who entered the military.

Scientific and technological development had never been separated from military affairs.

Liang Wan's thinking was correct. She saw Huo Zhongshu's file in Zhongke's '79 archive.

He had gone to college at the age of thirteen.

Liang Wan then noticed the last annotation in Huo Zhongshu's file stated that he was missing. When he was sixteen years old, he didn't come to school and was reported missing.

Liang Wan took note of Huo Zhongshu's class number and looked for it in the rest of the Zhongke archives. As expected, she had seen the names of almost everyone in Huo Zhongshu's class on the drawings. According to the archives, they were all missing.

In September 1982, an entire high school youth class had disappeared, and none of them had reported for class.

Liang Wan knew where they had gone. It was that year that they began to make the drawings she had seen.

But architectural drawings were something done under an engineering major, and the general classes that the youth class took wouldn't be concentrated in that. And many of these children's talents were in scientific fields such as mathematics.

It was only in mathematics and music that there could be true genius.

She looked at the major this class belonged to and couldn't help biting her lower lip. It was a kind of military industrial major called the Department of Military Architecture.

If it weren't for her relationship with her first boyfriend, she would have never found any information about this department.

Why did they want these children?

Liang Wan found a stool to help her reach the top of the bookshelf, sat down, and then tried to organize her thoughts.

She didn't need to reason and analyze right now since she had plenty of time to do that after she left. She knew the answers to all the questions were on the shelves around her, but she had to find the right direction to look.

The key question at the crux of the matter was, why were these children chosen? There were already a lot of military construction talents at that time, and many old experts had more experience. So why was a group of children used to do this project?

What kind of projects were these drawings for?

The first thing she thought about was the young crusaders. The rulers at that time thought that the children were pure, and God would bless them with victory. As a result, almost all of the teenagers died in the Alps.

No, there was no such religious tradition in China. She understood that period in history, and knew that the probability of it happening in China was too small. Atheism was already the keynote when New China was founded.

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