Chapter 161: Stubbornness

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Without pen and paper, Li Cu couldn't decode everything in his mind. The first eight words were relatively simple, but the remaining ones seemed to be somewhat complicated.

At this point in time, however, he suddenly found a pen and paper to do his calculations. It was too coincidental, and he wondered whether he had revealed anything in his expression just now. These people were all experts, and he was afraid that Leader could read his mind.

His previous experience with lying told him that it was better to behave at this time.

When he went to bed, he began thinking about "sunshine, North Star, latitude and longitude."

He was glad that he was a high school student, because at this stage, even the worst students knew astronomy and geography. Although they may not understand the details, they would at least know what these things represented when they saw a few words.

The two concepts of sunshine and North Star were related to ancient navigation and geographic location, such as latitude and longitude.

Li Cu couldn't remember exactly what kind of relationship it was, but he at least had a direction to go in now. He couldn't get near the internet at this point in time; otherwise, he would have directly searched and found everything he needed to. While he worked on decoding the remaining part of the code, he had to find a way to gain some knowledge in this field.

It was difficult for him to do, but he realized that Wang Xiaoyuan might be his breakthrough.

At the same time, he felt that he had also gotten a glimpse of Wu Xie's way of thinking. Wu Xie had mastered a basic logic, which consisted of giving these black-clad people irresistible bait.

He didn't know what it was, but he felt like it was probably related to his ability. In other words, it was a kind of snake.

It was possible that some of those snakes were in this ancient tomb. Maybe these black-clad people couldn't guarantee their preservation and transportation, so they had take Li Cu with them. Once they unearthed the poisonous snakes, they would immediately make Li Cu read the pheromone information.

As long as Wu Xie could convince the black-clad people that there were poisonous snakes in this place, then Li Cu would definitely appear. Although the two of them were separated from each other, they could always forcefully intersect in this way.

This was why Wu Xie allowed him to directly enter an unknown organization!

The investigation into this matter lasted for about two days. Li Cu didn't know the follow-up results, but he did find out one piece of information. Some of the bodies they had found were their own, and some were not.

Leader had some doubts. If he was paranoid like most people, it would lead to various speculations about the existence of a third party, which would make things more complicated. But judging from the way Leader looked at him, Li Cu thought he was beginning to notice that the bodies left here were only a medium for transmitting information.

Li Cu hadn't seen anything since then, and knew that they were suspicious of the objects found on the corpses. But he didn't care.

He returned to his ward three days later, and his lessons quickly resumed. At this time, he began considering how best to contact Wang Xiaoyuan, and how to ask her some questions.

After thinking it over for a long time, he decided to face the problem directly. Many behaviors were understandable for a boy his age, but if he was sneaky from the get-go, then people could easily sense the hidden objective.

So when he was in class with the middle-aged teacher, he pretended to be lovesick and proposed the idea of seeing Wang Xiaoyuan.

After the middle-aged man sternly refused, Li Cu refused to listen to the lectures, and started a hunger strike.

The middle-aged man had no choice but to call Leader, who was obviously very surprised by Li Cu's behavior since he had always been a very obedient hostage.

"Don't you understand your situation?" Leader asked him. "It's not good for you, me, or Wang Xiaoyuan if you do this. Do you think I wouldn't bring you her head tonight?"

Li Cu looked at Leader, and knew that he would probably do it.

This kind of inhumane behavior was the most effective at destroying a person's will, and Li Cu's sudden burst of rebellion was immediately suppressed. He knew that as long as he was a little weak, he would lose everything in this game.

He was afraid of implicating Wang Xiaoyuan. He could immediately shake off the ruthless words and tell Leader that he wouldn't do anything for them ever again if Wang Xiaoyuan was hurt. But with his weak willpower and young age, it was almost certain that Leader would dispose of Wang Xiaoyuan first, and then see if Li Cu could really live up to his word.

If he couldn't, then he wouldn't have any cards to play against the other party. If he could, then Wang Xiaoyuan wouldn't survive.

The deal wasn't worth it.

Before hurling a bunch of harsh words back, he had to prove that he was a man of his word, and make Leader understand the risks.

Of course, he didn't want to hurt himself, but this was the time to use Leader's character against him.

And Li Cu was the best at it. From grade school up until now, he had always dealt with the head teacher in this way, letting them think that he was a dangerous guy who could do anything.

Li Cu said to Leader, "I have something to confess. I smoked a cigarette this morning."

When Leader looked at him, Li Cu put his finger in front of his face: "You said if I smoke again, you'll break one of my fingers. You don't want me to look down on you, right? Are you a man of your word?"

Leader sneered, raised his hand, grabbed Li Cu's hand, twisted the joint directly, and bent Li Cu's finger all the way back until it touched the back of his hand.

There was a resulting crunch that sounded just like firecrackers being set off.

Li Cu let out a scream and nearly fainted. He was covered in sweat and trying so hard to suppress the pain, that he could hardly feel his broken joint after those initial painful minutes had passed.

If it had been before, he wouldn't have been able to endure it, and definitely wouldn't have been able to bear the second blow. But the comminuted leg fracture may have changed his nerves, for he merely gritted his teeth and withstood the sharp pain. Just like when he was beaten by his father, he wouldn't say a word.

"Wrong." Li Cu laughed and stretched out his broken hand to Leader again: "I'll tell you right now, I'll definitely smoke again in the future. I'll never listen to you. I think you can bend another one."

Leader raised his hand, grabbed Li Cu's pinky finger, and snapped it again without hesitation.

This time was even more painful than before. He gave a loud roar, but in order to make Leader feel that he was out of control, he changed the roar into a shout.

He had some expectations, but no, this psychological game had already begun. He had to endure even if all his fingers were broken, especially since he had the advantage. He only had ten fingers, so even if all of them were broken, the other party wouldn't kill him. When the time came, the other party would have to admit defeat even if he had technically won.

Moreover, the previous physical training showed that there was an urgent need for him to do something. If he was crippled, he figured that Leader would also have a hard time.

But breaking each finger one by one was too slow and painful. Li Cu looked at Leader and said, "You think I'll give in, don't you? My father is tougher than you." He grabbed his middle finger.

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