Chapter 28: Haizi Surrounded by Trucks

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They finally chose to pry the door open. Li Cu fiddled with the door lock that had been pried apart, and found that it had been filled with iron shavings. This was the simplest way to destroy the lock, because it was basically irreparable unless the lock was completely removed. Therefore, this kind of practice was generally a prank.

Looking inside, they saw an amazing scene. Almost the entire cab was in ruins, with fingernail scratches and fist marks everywhere. And the body was lying hideously in the front seat with its mouth wide open as if it were in extreme pain.

"Did he do all this?" Li Cu exclaimed after looking at the situation in the truck's cab.

"Looks like it." Wu Xie said.

"He must have drank too much." Li Cu remembered his father when he was drunk. "This guy drank a lot."

Wu Xie went into the truck's cab, came to the corpse's side, pointed to the open container in the corpse's hand, and said, "This should be the cause."

"Are these jars full of wine?" Li Cu asked.

"Judging from this man's condition, it's much worse than wine." Wu Xie took the mummy's hand. "Look, the bones are all broken. Obviously, the contents of this container made him go mad, so someone locked him in the car."

Li Cu thought for a moment and felt very surprised, because it still took some time to cause that degree of damage to the lock, and the damage was irreparable. In other words, at that time, the people outside didn't want to release this person.

"Come on, do me a favor and help me get him out of here." Wu Xie said to Li Cu. Li Cu also went in and grabbed the corpse, trying to drag it out.

As soon as the body was pulled from the seat, Li Cu sensed that it didn't feel right. Something on the body seemed to be caught on the seat and was stuck.

He and Wu Xie carefully looked under the corpse's butt and saw that a hole had been dug in the seat underneath. A rope hung from the corpse and reached down into the hole.

"Is this a pit?" Li Cu asked, "What's up with this rope?" He tugged at it as he thought, and soon pulled something on the other end of the rope out of the hole. Li Cu saw that it was a bundle of grenades.

He frowned, but before he could react, the grenades fell into the hole under the seat again, leaving only the pull rings attached to the rope.

Wu Xie looked at him and shouted, "Run!"

The two men practically tumbled out from the truck's cab, and as soon as they had rolled seven or eight meters in the sand, the grenades exploded.

The shockwave billowed out, the whole cab of the truck was blown to pieces, and they were thrown out more than ten meters. Fortunately, they were on the dunes, so sand was the only thing that hit them.

Debris from the explosion was thrown into the air and then fell into the haizi like rain. Wang Meng, who was sitting in a daze by the haizi, was scared to death and turned to look at them.

Li Cu waited until everything was quiet before he got up. He only felt a slight buzzing in his eardrums as he looked at the truck and found that the whole front of it was gone, leaving only a chassis that had been blown apart.

However, this tragedy wasn't the most shocking thing. His attention was attracted by another scene that shocked him even more.

Since the shockwave generated by the explosion was so large, all the sand beside the truck was sprayed into the sky and all the things originally buried were exposed.

They were the remains of more than a dozen trucks that were parked side by side along with the destroyed truck, which meant that Wu Xie's previous speculation was correct—more than one truck was buried in the sand dunes here.

Li Cu was just about to call Wu Xie's attention to it, only to find that Wu Xie was looking somewhere else. He followed Wu Xie's line of sight and saw an incredible scene.

Almost half of the sand dunes surrounding the haizi were gradually shaken loose by this huge movement, revealing rows upon rows of truck remains that were estimated to be in the hundreds. These trucks surrounded the haizi like a long queue, which was quite spectacular. Looking from one side of the haizi to the other was like looking at a scene from a war movie.

"Is this a parking lot?" Li Cu muttered to himself.

Wu Xie didn't speak, but began walking along the edge of the haizi, looking at the rows of trucks that were previously under the sand dunes. He found that there were many corpses curled up together under all the trucks, and half of them were buried in the sand.

"Something big must have happened in this place." Wu Xie sighed. "It seems like we'll be busy."

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