Saiki K. x Reader - Trust

Start from the beginning

He just admitted that he made a high-pitched noise

"Yeah right! That just sounds like a lame excuse"
"I agree with Nendou, that's kind of a stretch." Kuboyasu nodded in agreement as Kaidou began spluttering random nonsense about Dark Reunion that nobody could understand or wanted to.


As your teacher droned on, you blew a hair out of your face as you looked around boredly. You began tapping your pen on the desk as if you were drumming a song out, when in reality you sent out a morse code message to Saiki.

'This is so boring, how about you?' You asked Saiki as he tapped back a response.

'Shouldn't you be paying attention' Saiki tapped back.

'But it's so borrinnnggg, maybe I'll pay attention after we talk about after-school plans'

'You're ridiculous'

'I know! But c'mon! I'm not the only one who finds this class boring! You do too, right?'

'So, after-school plans?'

'I knew it! You find this boring too!'

'Are we doing the usual?'

'Saiki! I'm going to take your avoidance of this class being boring as an admission, but seriously, after-school plans, anime at your house?'

'Ugh, seriously? Again?'

'C'mon, why not? It's always super fun! Plus your parents are super cool for always checking in on us and making sure we have enough snacks'

Yeah...that's what they do, totally not trying to spy on us and see if we're dating or anything Saiki thought to himself before he tapped back.

'Fine, though we're doing our homework first, someone can't afford to fail again and it isn't me'

'You're the worst, but fine, you always seem to know your writing stuff anyway.' You agreed, though you smiled slightly as you tapped your signal for the conversation being over.

'I'll see you on the other side'

'Yeah, yeah' Saiki tapped back as you began to try to pay attention now that you knew what your after-school plans were.


You looked up at Saiki from your math problem and sighed.

Homework is so dumb, I wish we could just watch anime together, it's always a lot more fun and he actually smiles instead of that indifferent look on his face. You pouted as you turned back to your work, brows furrowed in concentration as you finished the problem, I wonder if our other friends got him to smile when they hang out with him, or is it just me? If he smiles only around me does that mean he likes me?!

Meanwhile Saiki was just casually hearing all of this as he got his work done at an average rate like he always did. Saiki adjusted his position slightly as he continued.

Why is she so concerned when I smile with her around? It's not that much of a big deal, girls really do over think everything Saiki shook his head, despite reading minds he still didn't understand why girls had to over-think every little detail.

"Hey Ku, I thought that since you and your friend were working so hard on your homework you might want some refreshing tea to go with it." Saiki's Mom popped in with a tray of tea and some cookies.

Mom, what are you doing?

"Wow, thanks! This is really cool of you."

Can you just let us do our work in peace please?
"Why it's no problem at all (Y/N), I'm happy to do this for any of Ku's friends. I'm just a yell away if you need anything, okie, byeeeee" Saiki's Mom went to shut the door, but practically clung to it as she closed it to watch you and Saiki work.
"Your Mom is really cool Saiki!" You beamed as you carefully took a mug off the tray and sipped it.

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