Issue #33...a Yugioh Fan Fiction

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Here's Issue #33 since I'm uploaded pretty recent in comparison to the last chapter I will skip the recap kay?


Pics of Hope and Entrez on the side I had so much fun making that slideshow. :)


                Seto held Yugi up by having his arm around his shoulder. Yugi was still unconscious—leaning heavily against him.  Seto followed the scent...tracking it to the edge of a wooded area and then that was it. The area overlooked a cliff.

                Breanna covered her mouth, shocked by the amount of blood. “This is awful…”

                “Its not that awful,” Roran said. Breanna stared at him perplexed, Seto filled her confusion.

                “That’s not all her blood—” He replied, She stared at the bloodied ground and understood what had happened here. The wolves had chased her down like savages…their mouths frothing and their eyes glinting green…they tried to take her to Kya. She fought as many of them off as possible—only defending herself—even though she was regretfully killing them off while Kya thrived off their destruction—even if they were her minions. Next to the scratches in the earth was a deep set of wheeled tracks in the ground.

                “Look, bike tracks.” Breanna stated and they followed them.

                The tire tracks dug deep into the ground, tearing up the earth. They zig-zagged all through the woods. Seto’s eyes widened and he quickly dumped Yugi into Roran’s arms.


                The aftermath of the crash was immense, the bike was on its side, the front end shattered from the collision.


                He glanced too and fro, she was nowhere to be found. He tried to ignore how much more of her blood was in this area. “Where could she be?”                Seto Kaiba asked, his steel blue eyes gazing at Roran and Breanna for answers.


Breanna shook her head, “I don’t see Yusei either,”

“I have a feeling they both survived the crash,” Roran said, looking around, “The accident may look bad, but they’ve been through worse. The Shadow Wolves put up a fight. Either way we have to find them.”

Breanna looked at the ground, If they were alive, “Then they took them…”She whispered—finishing her thoughts aloud. Kaiba nodded and suddenly something drifted out of the tree. It floated next to Seto. He caught it and glanced at it wearily.

                Breanna grew curious, “Is that—”

                “One of Hope’s cards?” Roran finished. Kaiba turned the card towards Roran and Breanna’s direction, looking the other way—obviously in distress.

                “Actually, It’s mine.” Seto commented. On the card, was the beautiful breathtaking Blue Eyes White Dragon.

                Roran growled in frustration. Mocuba was just a child, and Hope had saved him from his darker self. After everything he had tried to do, he had even went as far as to trying to kill her, she still accepted him. Then Yusei had gotten tangled into the this mess as well. Either way, he had enough. He picked up on the scent, closing his yellow eyes and trying to place the smell of blood as Seto put the Blue Eyes White Dragon back into his deck.

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