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"Eat up," I worriedly said to her as the waiter delivered a soup that is good for hangovers.

Soojin still doesn't look so well. It's 7am and we decided to dine in on a small restaurant nearby where not many people could see her.

I had already changed my silver dress into a more comfortable clothing. I'm wearing one of my hoodies and a pair of shorts. Soojin was wearing a sleeveless top paired with denim shorts when she came in last night, so I had to lend her one of my hoodies in order to hide her identity.

My hoodies were both black and it had these printed We Bare Bears characters on it. And because of that, we ended up matching for today.

I just watched her eat the soup when she suddenly dropped the spoon and shouted, "Ouch!"

"What happened?!" I immediately checked up on her.

She just embarrassedly laughed as she looked at me. "I-It was too hot."

I scooped the soup by myself and blew on it. After that, I was going to hand the spoon back to her, but she suddenly opened her mouth in front of me.

I confusedly stared at her. "What now?"

"Feed me," she said. "I'm too dizzy to eat by myself."

I just sighed in disbelief. "Soojin-ah.."

"Come on, I won't eat unless you do."

Gosh, this girl is seriously on a different level..

Because of her really persuasive personality, I ended up putting the spoon on her mouth as I watched her eat it deliciously. It somehow made me feel good after seeing her eat so well though..

She scooped some of my soup as well and tried to do the same thing to me, but I just shook my head.

"I'm okay, I don't have any hangovers, you don't have to feed--"

But before I could even finish my sentence, she had already put the spoon into my mouth.

I was about to scold her, but as soon as I saw her laughing a little, I suddenly couldn't.

She deserves to be happy at some point..

In the end, we ended up feeding each other until both of our bowls were empty.

"Are you feeling any better now?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Yes.. a lot better."

"That's great. The group has a schedule in the afternoon, so you have to be okay by then."

"I think I already am.." she suddenly held my hand. "Because you're here with me right now."

I felt myself blushing unusually due to her words. Gosh, this is because she keeps messing around with me!

"S-Stop it, Soojin-ah!" I panically said.

But she just chuckled, even looking satisfied with my reaction. "I wish time could stop, so it would be just the two of us forever."

I poured her a glass of water. "Drink up and get your senses back."

"Haha! Alright, alright!"

After that, she linked her arms with me as we went back to her car. There's still a few hours left before their schedule.

"So what should we do now?" she asked upon starting the engine.

I sighed as I remembered what happened between Minnie and I yesterday. "I-I don't know.."

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