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"Yuqi-yah! Are you okay?!" I panically said as Soyeon and I both rushed to help her out.

"I-I'm okay!" she replied as she continued picking up the broken pieces of the mug on the floor. Her hands were trembling.

"Are you sure?" Soyeon asked.

"Y-Yeah," she avoided our eyes until she was able to throw the pieces into the trash bin. "I'll go back to bed."

After that, she immediately turned her back on us and walked away. I was about to run after her when Soyeon grabbed my hand.

"Let her be," she said. "Maybe she's just tired. I'm sure you noticed that she was acting differently too."

I gulped nervously. "B-But I think she needs someone.."

"Trust me, it's better to just let it cool off. She'll be fine tomorrow."

Soyeon probably thinks that this is just some kind of mood swing, but with the way that Yuqi acted, she definitely heard some parts of our conversation.

I need to talk to her right now and clear everything up. I don't want her to misunderstand what she saw and get hurt because of it.

But how? With Soyeon in front of me right now, I need to find a different way..

The two of us cleaned up on the dining table, then she told me that she'd rest and call it a day.

I waited for her to enter her room and when she finally did, I walked my way to Yuqi's. I knocked on her door, but there was no response.

I was very anxious and worried about her that I stayed outside of her room for about an hour, waiting for her to come out but she never did. I had no choice, but to give up and just wait for the morning to come.

With a heavy heart, I drank more wine until I fell asleep on my bed, hoping that tomorrow is going to be a better day for all of us.


The next morning, I woke up at around 7:30am which was pretty late because I'm usually the first one to get up and prepare breakfast for the girls.

I went out of my room after quickly taking a bath and fixing myself, but as soon as I got outside, I saw Soojin standing near the door with her luggage and Shuhua was beside her.

Soojin was wearing a dark blue sweater, a pair of jeans, and a pair of rubber shoes. It looked like a typical get-up to me, while Shuhua was still in her pajamas.

"What's going on?" I worriedly asked as I approached them.

"Soojin Unnie is leaving.." Shuhua sadly replied.

"W-What?" I looked at Soojin in disbelief. "Is that true?"

She nodded. "Yeah."

"But why? Is this because of what we talked about?" I was referring to the time that I told her to completely give up on me.

"No, it's not.." she briefly answered.

Shuhua seemed confused at the moment, but she just decided to listen.

"Then what?"

"Because Minnie Unnie is supposed to return tomorrow, isn't she? You told us that she would be back in a week," Soojin explained.

"But why leave?" I repeated. "Can't you just stay with the rest of the members?"

She sighed heavily. "Look, it's going to be really hard for the both of us to live under the same roof anymore. And besides, the fans still don't know that Minnie is gone, but they're aware of my hiatus so if there's someone who better not join the group schedules, it has to be me."

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