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"Hear me out, Abby please?"

Tears almost fell down on my cheeks as soon as she tried reaching out for my hand, but I swore to myself that I won't ever shed a tear for any of these girls again.

"Just let me go and mind your own business! Is that so hard to do?!"

I started walking away from her, but she was so persistent just like how she used to be. She ran in front of me and blocked my way. "I've been waiting for a long time just to meet you again, I know you probably hate me, but still--"

"Hate you?" I laughed in disbelief. "I'm sorry, but are you out of your mind? I don't care who you are now, Cho Miyeon. Your whole existence is nothing to me anymore, so get out of my way because I'm leaving!"

But instead of defending herself, tears suddenly started coming out of her eyes. She was more fragile than I thought. "I completely lost my chance to be with you.. Didn't I, Abby?"

"W-What?" I scoffed as my anger only grew stronger. "Do you really think that you and I are still possible after all this time?!"

"N-No, I just.." She looked so pathetic as she continued explaining. "You have no idea how much I wanted to see you everyday.. Y-You probably think that I stopped caring, but I never did.."

"No way.." I slowly stepped closer to her and lifted her chin to match mine. "You're probably thinking that my heart would flutter for you again, aren't you?"

"Abby, I swear it's not like that--"

"Do you expect me to be the same girl that would blush and look at you lovingly no matter how much you've hurt me?!" She was clearly taken aback with my words. Our faces were so close to each other that I could hear her breathing. "Get a grip of reality, Cho Miyeon! Not everyone is going to be the same person that you met a year ago!"

"I-I know.." Her eyes were radiating an unusual warmth in this freezing environment. "I'm just happy to see you today.."

"Oh really?" I glared at her before pushing her out of my way. "Good for you then."

But before I could completely leave the place, two thugs suddenly appeared right in front of me. They both had these bandanas with skull designs tied around their heads as they looked at me with lust.

"Look, isn't that Abby Ruez from Tuxe and Robes?" One of them amusedly said. He had a mohawk that screamed ugly on his face.

"That new hot model?" The other with a red half-shaved hair smiled devilishly with his broken teeth.

Shit. How many times have I been exposed to these kinds of people to know better?

I carefully stepped backwards, but they started moving towards me as well.

"Don't you dare come near me! My company is not going to forgive you!" I shouted at them.

But that just made them eager to do the opposite, like lions preying on their food. "Oh this is the real deal, brother!" The guy with a mohawk said while fist bumping the other. "We just got f*cking lucky!"

Their perverted expressions made my blood boil a hundred degrees more that I failed to control my words. "Are you guys that desperate to hook up with a woman? But just by looking at the both of you, I can see why no one bothered to do so."

"Woah, easy!" The red-haired guy struck his chest as if making fun of me. "That hurt a little, baby girl."

"Well who cares about that now? We have you with us tonight anyway.." The other disgustingly licked his lower lip.

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