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"I'm nervous," I said to her as we stopped right in front of the place.

This is a VIP party after all. It's not my scene, so I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to act.

Yuqi smiled at me as she held my hand. "Don't worry, you'll be fine as long as I'm here."

I just laughed to relieve my nervousness. It's assuring to have her by my side. A staff member greeted us and Yuqi handed her an invitation. He immediately let us in and assisted us into our table.

This is really such a grand party. Although I was given a heads up that this is for the opening of a huge clothing line called Tuxe and Robes, Yuqi was invited to host because the founders adore her personality on TV which is really amazing.

The party will start in about an hour and we still have time to spend. Yuqi asked me to check out the place with her, but what caught my attention was the buffet! There's seriously a lot of food and they even have a chocolate fountain!

Yuqi probably saw me almost drooling. "Hungry already?" she jokingly asked.

I immediately shook my head. "Nope, but that does look amazing."

"Really?" she suddenly gave me a mischievous smile. "But I think you still look more amazing."

Wait, what?!

I was so speechless that I could only look at her as she pulled me away somewhere. Damn, that definitely caught me off guard!

There were a lot of magazines and photobooks advertising their clothes, so we flipped through those pages as well.

These all look really expensive and top-class! And just the fact that Yuqi was recognized by these people, God I can't even imagine how wonderful that is!

"You're really famous, Yuqi," I said to her.

She just flashed me her eye smile. "Well, you're proud of coming here with me, aren't you?"

I immediately nodded. "Of course! I heard a lot of A-list celebrities failed to get into here, but I did because of you!"

She chuckled. "Let's go check the view!"

We went to the deck and saw the night view of the whole city.

"Woah, it's really beautiful," I gasped.

"But you're still more beauti--"

"Aish!" I hit her playfully in the arm. "Enough messing with me already!"

She just laughed as she moved her eyes to the view. "You know what, Abby Unnie?"

I looked at her. "What?"

"I feel happy that I chose you to come with me."

"R-Really? Why?"

"Because you seem to appreciate these things. I bet my members wouldn't have the same reaction as yours since they've seen a lot of this already."

"Well I guess that's an advantage of being poor, huh?"

She laughed again. "Ah seriously!"

After that, we both spent the remaining time taking pictures of each other. She looked really amazing in every shot, as expected of Song Yuqi.

Then she walked me back to our seat and finally left to proceed backstage in preparation for hosting. On our table, there were four women assigned to sit with us and I think they all came together.

They greeted me as soon as I settled down.

"Hey," A gorgeous woman with long black hair, probably around the same age as mine said.

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