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"Yuqi-yah.. let's not be like this, please?" I immediately grabbed her hand and pulled her inside the elevator with me.

She struggled at first and tried to stay away from me, but I held onto her tight as the doors finally closed.

When she could no longer do anything, she just gave me a cold and intimidating stare. "What do you want from me?"

It was making me nervous, but I knew that I had to sort things out with her now because I have no more chances left.

"I need to talk to you, about what you saw and heard that night.." I replied.

But she just forcefully removed my hand from hers and focused on the number of the floors on the elevator, slowly dropping.

She was straight up ignoring me.

"Yuqi-yah!" I tried grabbing her hand again, but she just pushed me away.

"I don't want to see you right now, can't you understand that?!" she suddenly shouted.

I've never seen her act this way towards me and it hurts so much that every second of the pain.. feels like eternity.

We soon reached the parking area and I tried to talk with her, but she still ignored me until we arrived in front of her personal car. It almost felt like I was invisible to her the whole time.

She got into the driver's seat, buckled up, and was about to close the door when I immediately grabbed onto it tight to stop her from leaving.

"What the hell are you doing?!" She was losing her patience. "Stay away from me Abby Unnie or I'm calling the security--"

"Yuqi-yah, are we really going to end our relationship like this?!" I said to her, teary-eyed.

We've been through so much to just part ways like this.. with her hating me over a huge misunderstanding.

And since she won't allow me to have a proper conversation with her, I had no choice but to tell her about it now.

I quickly looked around the place and made sure that no one else was around us before speaking again. "I know this might be hard to believe because of what you witnessed last night, but Soyeon doesn't like me anymore! She already left her feelings for me behind, so it's not what you think!"

"W-What?" Hints of confusion were all over her face as she heard that, but it was soon replaced with a sigh. "You're not fooling anyone here, Abby Unnie. I'm not going to be deceived by you again!"

"But I'm not deceiving anyone here! It's the truth. What you heard and saw wasn't the full story, there's so much more to it!"

"Then why the hell did you lie to me?!" Her eyes looked so desperate to understand me at the moment.

I bit my lip as regrets started sinking in. My intentions were good all the time, but why must this always happen to me?!

"Because I don't want you to know about something that no longer exists! I didn't want to make it uncomfortable for you to like her!" I explained, losing control over the tone of my voice.

"Then how do you think I'm feeling right now after finding out that the person who gave me the courage to confess is the same person that the woman I'm in love with fell for?!" She was getting teary-eyed too, but at the same time, feeling lost.

And the mere fact that I saw her in that state triggered the tears in my eyes to fall. Then we suddenly heard heavy footsteps approaching us, it was echoing in the parking lot.

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