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Disturbed sleep, countless emotional breakdowns, and fear of losing everything without even having the chance to fight back. This has been my life for the past weeks.

It's already been a month since the accident. Spencer visited me nearly everyday to update me about my case. She was a very competent lawyer, but the process of the court was beyond her control. On top of that, bail was not permitted for my case.

Both Jisoo and Tristan would also visit me as much as their schedules allowed them to, but I still felt miserable and alone. They locked me up for a month and took a lot of time that I should've used to start over. I wished that it would end soon everyday, but it didn't.

Life has drastically changed for me at this point. I wanted to be brave enough, but the regrets and what ifs that haunted me were terrifying.

"Ruez, your trial is today." The police officer said as he unlocked my cell and handcuffed me.

It's the day that I've been waiting for, however I felt numb. I'm not sure if it's because I've already been damaged enough until I was broken during my stay here.

He took me to the court room and everyone was already there. The judge, the jury, Jisoo and Tristan who were anxiously waiting, and the party of the pregnant woman.

But as I was being taken to my seat, the victim immediately ran and tried to hurt me. Luckily, the police officer who escorted me was quick enough to block her attacks.

"Murderer!" She angrily shouted.

I saw both Jisoo and Tristan worriedly looking at me, but they couldn't do anything other than that. I'm sure they wanted to fight back for me and it must've been frustrating to watch everything unfold in front of their eyes.

Tears eventually started falling on my cheeks.. But it wasn't because I was hurt with her accusations.

It was because I'm relieved to see her doing well. To see that she really managed to survive after that night.

The victim sat on the other side of the court with her attorney. Meanwhile, Spencer was right beside me after I settled down.

"Side of Mrs. Jeon Hayeon, begin." The judge spoke as he hit the gavel, marking the start of the trial. That must be the victim's name.

Her attorney was a woman in her late-forties. She began with the introduction of the case, followed by the presentation of the reasons and evidence why I should be sentenced for imprisonment.

"These are the medical records and examinations after the night of the accident," she said upon flashing the images on the screen in front. "It's clearly stated here that the heavy impact of the accident had caused the placenta to separate from the uterus of the mother, leading to miscarriage."

She moved to the next slide of her presentation and continued. "The CCTV footage had also shown how the car had hit the victim. The police were also able to catch them within a few moments after the accident." She looked at me and Spencer, almost as if mocking us discreetly. "This is why the driver, Abby Ruez should be sentenced for manslaughter and reckless driving."

She returned to her seat after that with a satisfied smile on her face. I turned to Spencer, but she wasn't shaken at all. As expected, she's on a different level.

She was overflowing with confidence as she proceeded to the center for discussions. Her presentation was also flashed on the screen as she stood in front of it. "Good afternoon, everyone."

The judge simply nodded his head, while I stared at her, unsure of how things will turn out for me. I've received information from her every now and then, but being in the actual trial still makes me feel like there's a gun pointed on my head without knowing how many bullets are inside. I can't determine whether the evidence that Spencer gathered is enough to win over the other party.

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