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"Abby!" Jisoo was already crying and panicking when she reached me. She's wearing a black cap, mask, and her training attire. "I-I'm sorry, I lost my phone and contacts recently! I've been so busy that I couldn't visit you personally to tell you about it!"

Huh? So all this time.. she lost her phone?

I could only stare at her as tears continued falling from my eyes. I was so relieved. "I-I thought that you simply didn't want to be involved.."

"W-What?!" She unbelievably said. "Abby, do you really think that I'd leave you hanging if I knew that you needed help?!"

"I-I'm sorry.. I was scared because I couldn't reach you."

"I-I had no idea that you were locked up in here.." she replied, almost whispering. "And I couldn't really ask how you've been because of how busy we are recently.. but I'm here now, everything is going to be alright."

Hearing that made me feel so much better, as if a part of the burden that I've been carrying was removed. "Thank you, Jisoo-yah.."

She held my hand on the rails and worriedly looked at me. "B-But why are you here?"

I bit my lip as I remembered the painful night of the accident. I figured out that I should just tell her right away, even though my voice was shaking a lot. "Y-Yuqi and I accidentally hit a pregnant woman.. and killed the fetus inside of her womb."

Hints of confusion and disbelief were all over her face. "B-But you don't even drive! How is it possible that you're here instead of her?!"

I immediately signaled her to keep quiet because some people might hear us. In the end, Jisoo had to ask for a visiting time and the police officer in charge brought us to the telephone area, because they said that it's the only private facility that they have here. Tristan who had been with me since earlier also came with us.

The both of them started scanning the room for cameras and recording devices, and when they couldn't find anything, they asked me to begin explaining the story.

I told them everything that happened, including the truth that Yuqi was the one driving and I only decided to take the fall for her.

"I-I can't believe this.." Jisoo was crying non-stop, she's still in a complete mess. "Why the hell did you do this for her?!"

I couldn't reply at first because I knew that she'd get mad at me, but in the end.. I just told her the truth. "Because I didn't want their lives to be ruined.."

"But now your life is the one ruined!" She shouted frustratedly, her voice echoing in the room alone. "When will you start thinking about yourself, Abby?! You have a new life waiting for you after you resign, so why did you end up here out of all places?!"

I could see how heartbreaking this was for her and I started regretting what I did little by little because of that.

"I-I'm sure it will be alright.." I replied in a low voice. "I wouldn't have asked for your help, but the police officer was pressuring me to find an attorney. (G)I-DLE will come back for me anyway and they'll find a way out."

"Why the hell do you trust them so much that you're willing to risk your own life?!" She ended up grabbing both of my shoulders as she stared right into my eyes. Tristan seemed surprised, but he decided not to interfere and gave us space. "They don't care about you Abby, why can't you get that through your head?! All they do is take advantage of people and throw them away when they're done! They're a bunch of losers and--"

The Dorm Keeper | (g)i-dleWhere stories live. Discover now