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We arrived at the hotel suite where we will be meeting with Hui. After about thirty minutes, the door finally unlocked.

A young man with chestnut hair and a brown pair of eyes entered. He was wearing a black hoodie paired with jogger pants. It was very casual compared to the managers who had their polo sleeves on and to myself, who was wearing a blouse paired with jeans.

"W-What?" He looked at us in surprise as he stood in front of the door as it automatically closed.

"Calm down, Hui. Let's talk," Mr. Jung said.

Hints of confusion and nervousness were present in Hui's eyes. I expected him to come off strong at the beginning, but he didn't.

Hui just walked straight and sat on the couch in front of us.

"So Soojin doesn't even want to meet me now.." he said in disbelief.

Mr. Lee crossed his arms. "You gave her no reason to."

Damn right.

"How could you do such things to her, Hui? Really, to Soojin who used to mean the world to you?" Mr. Jung sighed heavily.

"Y-You don't understand!" Hui suddenly started raising his voice, as if those words triggered something inside of him. "I-I can't let her go, especially not right now!"

As the managers dealt with him verbally, I was able to observe him closely. He was panting hard, as if running out of air. Sweats were dripping all over his body even inside an air-conditioned room. His hands were shaking pretty badly too.

Could it be..

A panic attack?

But why does he have it now? Someone who appeared to be a dangerous person, someone who's willing to hurt other people just to get what he wants.. I never expected that he would be this fragile in person.

"Hui, we came here to settle this with you. If you refuse to agree on our terms, then we have no choice but to report you to the police," Mr. Lee said in a firm voice.

But what was that?

We all knew that we could never tell this to the police in the first place. Is he somehow trying to build a fake outcome to force him into agreeing?

However, Hui managed to stay with his initial decision. "No! Y-You need to agree to my terms! Why would I give in to that?!"

He seems to have an idea that he's not going to get reported to the police.

"Then what term does a bullshit human being like you want?!" Mr. Jung started losing his patience.


This is bad! They can't get into an argument like this!

"I just need Soojin to meet with me for some days and I'll stop talking to her forever," he said.

What kind of condition is that?!

The managers just looked at each other and laughed as if they were belittling Hui's proposal.

"Do you really think we'd let you get close to our artist after all the blackmailing that you've been doing to her?!" Mr. Lee angrily said.

Hui's eyes pinned them in despair. "For the record, I didn't send them. Her antis did."

"Well.. leaking personal information of an artist, huh? Is that how you want to play this, Hui?" Mr. Jung said in an intimidating voice. "If their fans were to find out about this, do you think they won't try to get back at you?"

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