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Muggle Studies had always been Y/N's favorite subject while she attended Hogwarts

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Muggle Studies had always been Y/N's favorite subject while she attended Hogwarts. Being subjected to a drastic change in academics was never sunshine and rainbows. Going from classes like your standard English, History and Science to more advanced ones like Potions, Herbology and Defense Against the Dark Arts at such a young age was never easy.

Having a class such as Muggle Studies gave a sense of comfort however many miles or kilometers you were from the place you called home, especially for the muggle-born wizards and witches. Even those who weren't from the muggle world enjoyed the class.

It had been well over five years since Y/N had last stepped foot on the grand campus and that was when she had graduated. It was still as beautiful and majestic as ever. It had been so long since she had last seen the castle that seeing it again honestly felt like the first time she had gotten off the boats when she was only 11 years old.

"First years follow me to the boats!" she heard Hagrid's all too familiar voice call out as they stepped out of the warm train to crisp and cold air that surrounded Hogsmeade Station.

She smiled, feeling like a first year herself all over again. Y/N had originally planned on exploring Hogsmeade where she'd stop at the Three Broomsticks before making her way to the school. She'd been longing to see Madam Rosmerta, the owner of the pub. She saw the woman as another mother and wanted to catch up with her.

Thinking twice about it, it was very late and the pub would most likely be closed. Plus, the strong sense of nostalgia she'd been hit due to the mention of the boats was almost impossible to ignore. She snuck her way inside one with Hagrid and two other students.

"Y/N! Didn't know you'd be back so soon! Always nice to see you," Hagrid's loud yet friendly voice said. "I didn't either. It was a sort of last minute offer to teach here so here I am," she smiled up at his towering form.

"Ah yes, heard we were getting two new professors this year. Assuming you'll be teaching Muggle Studies?" he questioned to which she nodded her response.

Three minutes later, they got off the boats and were following Hagrid into the castle. Once in, she quickly departed from the large group and met with Professor Dumbledore who was standing near the entrance, overseeing the new students walking in.

"Y/N! Or should I say Professor Y/L/N," he teased and she laughed before embracing him in a light hug.

Dumbledore and Y/N made conversation about her journey here as he showed her to her classroom and office which would be home to her for the next year. "Dinner is starting soon. I'll leave you to clean up and I shall see you in the hall?" he smiled at her. She nodded and set her bags down.

When she heard the door close, she changed into a fitted knee length black dress with a burgundy flower pattern paired with some black heels that Y/N had no problem walking in. Hell, they were so comfortable she could run in them if needed. The girl grabbed her robes that she decided to leave open and went on her way.

Students had just begun to pour in when she took her seat next to a man who had his forearms on the table and was looking down, concealing his face. Looking down the rest of the table she saw faces she recognized.

Seeing Professor Snape on the other side of the man made her immediately tense just remembering the hell he had put them through her seventh year. Scratch that, all her years.

McGonagall and Sprout waved enthusiastically at her and she returned the gesture with the same energy. Y/N put two and two together and knew this shaggy haired man was the other new Professor that Hagrid had told her about.

Making as little noise as possible, she sat down just as the incoming first years were beginning to get sorted.

After the sorting ceremony, the students standing at the front of the High Table began to sing which reminded her of the whole three days she spent in the chorus. It was just not her cup of tea.

"Welcome, welcome to another year at Hogwarts!" Professor Dumbledore began his speech but she quickly tuned him out just thinking about the food. Last she had eaten had been at 8 in the morning when she frantically began to pack her luggage which she had forgotten to do the previous night.

"Lastly, please help me welcome Professor R.J Lupin who has filled the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts instructor and Professor Y/N Y/L/N who has also filled the post for Muggle Studies instructor- both of which once attended Hogwarts as well!" Dumbledore's voice rang out making Y/N jump in fright.

She saw his hand motioning towards them and noticed the man next to her stand up and she immediately did the same and waved at the students. Her face warmed up as she heard the children clapping and cheering.

Taking their seats once again, Dumbledore commenced the feast and they all dug in. In the midst of stuffing her face with bread she noticed the tall man in slightly tattered robes, who she now knew was R.J Lupin, turn towards her from her peripheral vision.

"Pleasure to meet you, Professor Y/L/N. I'm Remus. Excited to be teaching Muggle Studies this year?" he asked with a warm smile on his face and took a sip of whatever liquid was in his cup. Not expecting him to actually talk to her, she choked a bit but quickly regained herself before answering him.

"Pleasures all mine, Remus," she grinned and stuck her hand out which he gladly shook. "It's a brand new adventure I'm looking forward to. I never expected myself to be back here," she admitted and he nodded in agreement. She asked him the same question they soon engaged themselves in a conversation about their new job for the majority of dinner.

She caught herself admiring his features. He was not hard on the eyes whatsoever. His smooth pale skin, colored eyes and messily neat light brown hair went hand in hand with everything else about him and Y/N was not ashamed to say she found him pretty. Of course, she would never admit it out loud though.

He was easy to talk to and Y/N found herself questioning whether or not she had just gained her first friend as a professor at a school she once attended. The thought made her excited and she mentally scolded herself as she realized she was acting like a silly school girl.

Laying in bed later that night after dinner Y/N sighed.

She was anxious to see what this year had in store for her. Considering all the bad luck she had endured in both the magic world and muggle world when she studied at a university there, she only hoped that the universe would have mercy on her and make this year eventful in the best possible way.

hello wonderful readers! this is my first story and i encourage your comments and votes. also, i promise these chapters get better. i am, after all, learning : )

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