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It was beginning to become a regular occurrence that Y/N didn't sleep

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It was beginning to become a regular occurrence that Y/N didn't sleep. She over analyzed everything that had happened in the past month and was often left with an impending feeling of doom. Things were completely out of her reach and that's what made it even worse.

However, she put on a front every single day. After a measly few hours of sleep each night, she plastered on a fake smile and greeted everyone enthusiastically and went about her day as if nothing bothered her; just like she wanted. After what she had told Remus and Sirius about overcoming their fears as a family, she was embarrassed to admit that she needed help getting her mind off something so stupid as a nightmare that she didn't even have.

A week had passed the first one and every night since then, they were woken up by Harry's shouts. He'd told them he'd been having the same recurring dream of her dying and he also dreamt of some forest where he claimed that Voldemort was hiding. It was just a dream, though.

Remus wasn't entirely oblivious, but he also knew she would talk to him when she was ready.They were all tired. With a full moon coming up, Remus' need for sleep increased, Y/N's lack of sleep made her feel even worse, and Sirius always stayed up with Harry for a few hours after waking him up from his nightmares.

Speaking of, familiar screams were heard again and Y/N got out of bed calmly to go and get some muggle headache pills and some juice for him to swallow them with. "Stay in bed, darling. I'll only be a minute. Sirius is probably already there anyway," she told Remus who was more than half asleep, but was also getting out of bed.

He shook his head no and went to grab onto the headboard to support his body that was thinking faster than his mind. However, he missed it and ended up falling face first onto the soft bed where he exhaled and began snoring again. Y/N couldn't help but laugh and went to do what she said she would.

"Same thing?" She asked him softly. Harry had a guilty look on his face; he hated that he'd been waking his family up at almost three in the morning each night. A full moon was coming next week and he knew that everyone needed their rest. Sirius was sitting in the chair next to the bed, looking wide awake and worried as usual.

"No, actually. This time I kinda saw what happened before you- died...." he trailed off awkwardly, sensing the uneasiness that radiated off of her when he reminded her of she died in his nightmares. "How so?" She asked, trying to erase the emotion off her face.

Sirius handed his godson the headache pills and encouraged him to drink it all down even though he hated swallowing pills with a passion. "We were in some sort of big empty room- you, me, Remus, and Sirius. It was oddly rounded and I had some ball in my hand. That's when the Death Eaters showed up. That's about it," Harry concluded.

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