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Everyone was familiar with a certain Chinese philosophy even if at first they didn't recognize it until a circle with a curve down the middle sporting black and white colors on a necklace or t-shirt was pointed out to them; Yin and Yang

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Everyone was familiar with a certain Chinese philosophy even if at first they didn't recognize it until a circle with a curve down the middle sporting black and white colors on a necklace or t-shirt was pointed out to them; Yin and Yang. With much deeper roots dating back thousands of years, it's been modified throughout the years in order for us to understand; The large dark area has a small circle essentially representing the good in the bad and the large white area with a small dark circle representing the bad in the good; through balance we exist.

In this case, it was the last day of school but it was also the night of the full moon and the day she'd go visit her parents- bad in the good. Papers were flying through the air much to Filch's dismay who was out to catch the litterbugs, promising them detention as soon as the new term started.

After a long year of late night studying, waking up early and even more studying, everyone deserved a break- good in the bad. Remus wasn't as tired and neither was Y/N because of their soulmate bond that appeared to get stronger by the passing minute when they came together as one in more than one way. Their love for each other would make Jane Austen jealous.

"You're amazing, you know that right?" Remus woke up on the morning of their last day to see she was already awake, preparing coffee for the both of them. "Why is that?" she laughed at his random compliment. His morning voice was deep and raspy, making her smirk to herself. "I don't have to drink up Snivellus' entire stock of wolfsbane thanks to you." He sat up in bed and gratefully took the mug she had prepared to perfection for him with two sugars and one cream. "I think you have the universe to thank for that, darling." She drank from her mug that cooled her cold hands that always seemed to be cold apart from when Remus would hold them.

He set his cup down and looked up at the tall ceiling, "Thank you for making my furry little problem better. It almost makes up for the fact you stuck me with this idiot," he blew a kiss up and she kicked him. "Ow!" he exclaimed. "Don't be mean then," she retorted. "I'm a realist, Y/N. Why would I say you're an idiot for no reason?" he asked innocently. Flipping him off, she got up when she saw it was close to breakfast. Their last breakfast at Hogwarts that is.

"I'm going to miss potatoes." Remus was aimlessly pushing around the food on his plate and so was Y/N. Both their appetites always had the tendency to reduce before a full moon and increase after it. "Remus, honey, you do know potatoes exist out of Hogwarts right?" Him and Y/N sat at the corner next to Snape and they were adjacent to Pomona and Minnie. "Don't be mean. He doesn't know any better," Snape jested. He sent the Potions Professor a dirty look and shoved a potato in his mouth.

Dumbledore stood up once it was time for the feast to end and went to stand by the podium making everyone quiet down and give him their full attention at once to hear what he had to say.

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