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Before they knew it, they stood in a small garden just in front of some ordinary looking townhouses

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Before they knew it, they stood in a small garden just in front of some ordinary looking townhouses. The sun was hidden and the sky was a greyish-blue color and little snowflakes were falling, coating everything with a thin layer of snow.

Remus exhaled from the travel then bent down and when he came back up, he had a small flower in his hand.

He approached Y/N who stood, still looking upset and put the small daisy in her hair. "What was that for?" She mumbled as she turned a nice shade of pink that contrasted beautifully against her skin.

"A flower for my flower," he made a face. Y/N bent down and retreated with the flowers twin and put it in his own light brown hair. "Flower for my flower," she echoed back to him. They giggled at their silly actions.

"It's cute, but let's never call each other that again, alright?" Remus cringed with a smile. "Agreed," she responded back. The loud honk of a car interrupted them and that's when they remembered where they were.

Remus grabbed her smaller hand in hers and walked across the street until they were situated in front of the houses. "Fidelius charm. Only those who already know of the charm and those who are deemed Secret Keeper can will the house to show," Remus informed her.

"You seem to forget I'm a witch, Remus," she teased him. His face turned red from embarrassment and he quickly stuttered over apologies and explanations. "I'm only kidding, love," she reassured the frantic man.

"You're mean," he pouted, but just then the buildings began to separate and the numbering mistake of going from 11 to 13 was now proper. In all its black and white glory stood number 12 Grimmuald Place.

Y/N went to ring the doorbell when Remus basically tackled her away. "If you wanted to ring it all you had to do was ask," she laughed at him.

"It's not that. Sirius didn't exactly have the best relationship with his mother and when the doorbell is rung, it awakens her portrait and ends up screaming like a mad woman for hours on end," he explained to her and she nodded in understanding.

"Sounds like a nightmare," she mumbled. Remus chuckled and used the serpent shaped knocker. "Slytherins, I'm assuming," she observed.

Not even a second later, the door opened to reveal Sirius with a confused look on his face but it quickly spread into a grin upon seeing the couple standing on his childhood homes doorstep.

"Snow!" He cheered and pulled the girl into a bear hug and she wrapped her arms around him as well. Remus leaned on the doorframe with a smile on his face, admiring the two most important people before him get along so well.

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