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"It was a shame you never played Quidditch

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"It was a shame you never played Quidditch. You would have made an amazing seeker," Charlie told her the next day. They were sat in the astonishingly empty kitchen. With over ten people in the house, you'd expect someone to be in there at all times.

"Trust me, I know. I was just already busy with all my classes and didn't feel like being active," she shrugged but acknowledged her badass quidditch skills. Just then Remus walked in and smiled at the pair.

He looked down to see she was wearing the ring he gave her last night and his smile widened if even possible. He was just so hopelessly in love with her, that the smallest things she did made his heart tingle.

"Morning guys," he greeted them as he prepared his coffee. He didn't even have to ask if she wanted any- he made her a cup prepared to perfection.

Remus set it down in front of her and kissed her cheek. "Morning, my love," she told him. From her peripheral vision she could see Charlie smirking at them.

"Padfoot wants to go visit a place with Harry. Not sure where, but I'll be back later on in the day." He shrugged on his jacket and placed yet another kiss to her forehead as Sirius walked in.

"Have fun you guys," she told them with a smile. Sirius tousled the top of her hair as a sort of greeting and Remus sent Charlie one last glance before he and Sirius walked out of the kitchen. At this odd gesture of Remus' she raised her eyebrows.

As soon as the door had closed, Charlie wasted no time in voicing his thoughts. "I always knew you had a thing for older guys."

She choked on her coffee and carefully set it down. "I mean you did call Snape cute in fifth year," he continued on. Y/N shook her head, bewildered he remembered such a piece of information after all these year. "I meant it as a joke," she stated calmly.

"Please, you have daddy issues," was all he responded with. The older girl felt her face turn hot and Charlie burst out laughing. "In fact, I'm positive the reason we didn't last long was because you were just into older men," he kept on teasing her.

She grabbed the nearest thing that was close to her and chucked it at the ginger. It was a knife. "You could have killed me!" He exclaimed with wide eyes.

"It's a butter knife, the most it would have done to you is draw a little blood," she told him nonchalantly. He withdrew the knife that was stuck in the rustic china cabinet behind him. He analyzed the knife fearfully before setting it down cautiously- away from the reach of Y/N.

"Anyway, I always knew you'd end up alone," she sassed back. "I am very much in a relationship, thank you very much!" He defended himself but they both knew it was bullshit. "Beastiality doesn't count as dating, Charlie," she rolled her eyes, referring to his work with dragons in Romania.

𝙎𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝘾𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚 • 𝙍𝙚𝙢𝙪𝙨 𝙇𝙪𝙥𝙞𝙣Where stories live. Discover now