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Everything seemed to happen in slow motion for Remus

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Everything seemed to happen in slow motion for Remus. The Death Eaters and aurors that surrounded the room diminished to little blurry dots and his eyes seemed to zoom in on her like they always did only this time it wasn't because her laughter made his heart flutter or she was smiling at him. The drowned out voice of someone was screaming echoing faintly in the room- it was his screams. High pitched ringing was heard in his ears and his entire body was shaking. 'She's dead. She's dead. She's dead.'

Sirius looked at his friend's laid body and tears slipped down his cheeks, but he had to get up and look for Harry before another one of their family members ended up dead. He looked towards Remus who had the most distraught look on his face and was sobbing. His body withered like it was in pain and it was. He had just lost his soulmate and it burned.

"Moony..." he croaked out and he went to his friend's side and picked him up into his arms and held him. "No, no, no," Remus kept mumbling over and over as his body shook violently and the pain in his heart gradually grew, but it was no longer their shared pain. It was all his.

Just as he was about to move the poor man away, Harry came back with a flustered look on his face and tears threatening to escape as he looked over towards his aunt who laid on the floor and he turned away because he couldn't look at her. One would have thought she was sleeping if they happened to stumble across her. If they had been here during the fight, they would have known much better. "It was just like in my dream..." his voice cracked, looking defeated.

Remus seemed to somewhat snap out of his trance as he bolted upright and was in front of Harry faster than anyone could have reacted and held him by the collar of his shirt. His eyes held pure fury and his face was splotched and puffy from crying making him look even more insane. "Lupin!" A voice called out, but he didn't listen.

"Why didn't you tell us?! Why?!" We could have avoided-" he cut himself off as his face softened and he brought the young boy into his embrace, burying his face in the crook of his neck like he had done so many times with her. He couldn't be mad at his nephew over her death. Y/N. He gasped and let him go abruptly, making Harry stumble back into his godfather's chest.

He rushed towards her and bent down, brushing the hair that curtained her face so that he could see that face he woke up to every single day and went to sleep looking at, her beauty always captivating him. He had so many times told her that he'd paint her one day, make her look like one of those Renaissance paintings and hang it up in a museum for everyone to admire. Everything about her was ingrained into his mind and it was painful knowing this was possibly the last time he'd see her.

Flashes of memories seemed to pass through his mind and he winced at them. The first time they met, the time she fell asleep in his office, their first date, the sunflower patch, finding out she was pregnant. Memories that he once held in his mind fondly hurt to even think about and another cry ripped from his throat. He just wanted it to stop

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