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When Y/N got back to her office last night, she brought the party there

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When Y/N got back to her office last night, she brought the party there. She bribed the house elves for a bottle of fire whiskey and drank half the bottle last night. She already knew she would regret it in the morning but she didn't care.

Y/N knew she was taking this to a whole new level but she could not help it.

Knowing Remus wasn't her biggest fan right now made her feel very bad about herself. Insecure and self conscious.

'Is there something wrong with me?' Y/N did not like her mind one bit at the current moment.

Growing up, she had never been the kid who let others affect her. If someone didn't like her then that was their loss. She lived a carefree life and wouldn't let anyone dictate the way she lived. Especially not a man. Her mother, although happily married, always told her that she didn't need a man to make her happy.

Remus was a completely different story. She basically craved his attention. Anytime they interacted, he was always so gentle and caring- something Y/N never got in any relationship. Past relationships pretty much only used her for sex and once they got their fill, they left. Those who didn't leave always tried to control her; tell her who or who she couldn't hang out with, what and what not to eat and how to dress.

Y/N feared being in a relationship and so she always avoided them and it was the reason she'd been single for the last three years.

Everyday has been a constant mental battle with herself. Remus had so far proven himself worthy of being a decent human being and she wanted him to himself. Not in a possessive way, but more of a 'he's my person' type of way. Like Meredith Grey and Cristina Yang.

Not only did this have her on edge, but almost every student here was scared. Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban and there were rumours of him lurking near the school.

The school did right in taking extra precaution but things can always happen.

Y/N's main priority right now was making sure her students were safe. If it truly came down to something ugly, they'd only hurt the students over Y/N's dead body.

Because students were so on edge and so were staff, it had been a pretty calm week in terms of homework. Classes went an extra 30 minutes and lessons such as the Patronus charm were taught to students.

No one truly knew the extent of the threat and it wasn't clear if Sirius Black was working by himself or with others. It was said his main purpose was to come after Harry Potter. Reasons were unclear but if a criminal is after someone, it's never good.

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