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The screams of people is what woke Y/N up with a fright

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The screams of people is what woke Y/N up with a fright. Momentarily forgetting where she was, she jumped out of bed and to her luck, her foot got stuck in the covers which resulted in her face having a not so pleasant meeting with the floor. 

As she got up, she heard the screams again and left her sleeping quarter to her conjoined office and looked out the window. Her room was right in front of the Quidditch Pitch and the screams were coming from students who wished to get back to practice as soon as possible.

She sighed in relief then yawned. Thank Merlin she didn't have fight someone today. As creepy as it sounded, she watched the students play for a few minutes. Y/N had always wanted to play Quidditch when she was a student but couldn't. She had this terrible disease called laziness.

Despite this, she still went to every single game and cheered on her house with her friends. There were also times where she would practice with the team. It was a good source of exercise and she got to meet new people through it. That's what you called a win-win situation.

She had seen it was only eight in the morning and wished for nothing more than to go back to sleep but given that classes were going to start again on Monday, she had to start getting used to waking up at what Y/N thought were hours no one in the world were supposed to be up at.

She didn't feel like interacting with people so early and she praised herself as she remembered she decided to pack a box of oatmeal packets for these types of situations. With her cup of coffee prepared the way she liked and oatmeal in a random bowl she had found in her classroom the night before, she sat down and enjoyed the free time before school started.

After breakfast, she decided to work on her lesson plans. Y/N's entire life was unorganized but if there was one thing she couldn't stand to have disorganized, it was anything having to do with her work. The thought of a last minute lesson plan alone almost made her want to cry.

Knocking on her door made her head shoot up and knock her journal off the desk. She had fallen asleep after only mapping out a lesson plan for the first week of school. How productive.

"Come in," she said and tried to compose herself so she didn't seem like a slob. Dumbledore entered and smiled upon seeing the frantic girl. "I wanted to come by and see how you've been settling in. The first few nights are always the hardest," he told her. This man almost always had a small smile on his face which although it sounds creepy, most people like Y/N found it to be reassuring.

"Yes, Professor. I slept well, thank you," she smiled gratefully at him. "I assume you still remember your way around here. If not, I'm always happy to show you around," he laughed lightly. "Well I did spend seven consecutive years of my life here I'm sure I'll manage," she said. Truth was, she had forgotten where a lot of things were.

𝙎𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝘾𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚 • 𝙍𝙚𝙢𝙪𝙨 𝙇𝙪𝙥𝙞𝙣Where stories live. Discover now