102 / First to Cry

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—Still, October 22nd, 7:42 pm

Four squeezes Two's hand gently, they simply stare at each other.

"You know I don't get sick from turbulence right?" "You don't?" "No Richie. I don't." "Then what made you throw up?" He asks, clearly confused.

"You're really dumb Richie." "Yeah. I know...but really. What happened?" "My worst fear happened." "And that is?" "Someone I'm in love with had found someone else." Richie's heart monitor starts to beep faster.

He grins. "Why are you grinning?" Eddie giggles. "You're still in love with them? Right?" Eddie squeezes the boy's hand, trying to find the appropriate answer bedsides yes.

"I am." "What would you do if they asked you out?" "Probably say yes. But now though. Not in this germ-infested place." "It's still a yes though, correct?" "Look at you using big boy words."

Richie's scoffs, taking his hand away. "Correct Richie." "Good." He grins pulling the boy closer, Eddie had chosen to climb into Richie's bed as soon as the doctor left their room.

On the other hand, Five finally steps out of the bathroom, it took him about eight minutes to actually change.

"Bill? Oh good. You're done." The doctor grins leading him back to the bed.

He points at Seven. "It'll be better if you let him rest, would you like to visit your other siblings?" He shakes his head, grabbing the remote.

"Press the button if you need anything." Bill nods already annoyed the boy isn't awake. He hasn't said anything in about an hour.

Richie and Eddie smile weakly, seeing as Bill grabs onto the smaller one's hand. He pays no attention to them, he stares at the tv.

"Richie?" Mike grins wrapping my the boy in a hug, Beverly giggles ruffling Eddie's hair.

"Bill?" A voice startles everyone. "Stan?" Richie whispers pushing past everyone to get in the room.

"Rich?" Richie ruffles the boy's hair, sitting in the seat beside him. Everyone walks in, patting the boy's leg or shoulder.

"Did anything bad happen?" "Possibly...not sure." Mike frowns as Five changes the channel.

"Tonight at your news at seven, millionaire and the owner of The Umbrella Academy was found dead in the rumble of the hospital that was blown up earlier today.

Autopsy says he died of a heart attack, a knife was punctured into his stomach a few short moments before. But in other news, the Six Hargreaves siblings are okay and in the hospital."

Surprisingly Richie is the first to cry, yeah the old man was an asshole, but he made them who they are today. He took care of them.

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