017 / Disappointed

230 6 5

Wc: 421

—Friday / some time

Five thinks it's funny how there was no missions for the past two day. He listens to the five laugh. Seven is loud as he giggles.

"Number Seven....Door....out....Five." Is all he could make out through the heavy door. "Yes sir." The door unlocks, as always Five sticks his hands in his pockets before pushing past someone.

"Mission." "Of course." He mutters disappearing into another room, most likely the living room. There Four hands him his mask.

"Good to see ya Five." Two grins, Five grabs onto as much hair as he can, pulling it as Two squeals.

"Let go." Four warns him. "Go ahead d-defend him. We all know you're in l-" "Am not. Now let go." Five rolls his eyes, disappearing outside. A slight surprised grin on his face as some rain drops onto his freckled cheeks.

"Come along Seven." Once again, those words make him smile bigger than he has in his entire life.

—a bit later

Once again, he watches his 'brothers and sister' wave at the cameras and screaming fans. "Hey...you didn't answer any of my texts...I didn't wanna come off as weird." He chuckles scratching the back of his neck.

"I'm not allowed to talk to you..." Seven pulls him away as Reginald stands with the others.

"Oh...how come?" He leans against the wall, his arms crossed as Seven stands in front of him. "Weird rules...I got in trouble...." "I'm sorry...delete my number. I didn't know you'd-" "No it's okay...it was only for a little bit. If Five sees me talking to you I'll get in trouble...I gotta go."

"Can't we talk for a bit longer?" "I don't think they'd realize I'm gone...sure." He giggles, the two walk off talking about anything they can. Mostly Seven.

"I'm sorry they treat you that way..." "It's okay...sorry I talk too much. I don't get to talk to anyone much." "It's okay...really...you said you like birds?" "Oh yeah. So there's this one-" "What t-the fuck? Come with me." Bill appears in front of the two, grabbing onto his elbow.

He appears in his room. "Number Seven?" "G-Go." "Coming! Give me a sec!" He heart begins to beat faster.

"Why did you not come home with us?" Reginald stands in front of the door. "And do not lie to me." "I uh..." "Does the name Patrick ring a bell? No need to answer. Go. I'm very, very disappointed in you."

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