085 / Affection

102 2 1

Wc: 418

"Well hello there." A girl grins walking past Henry. "Well hello. The names Henry. You are?" "Lily...why don't we go hang out a bit?" "Can't. Kind of on a date. Over there." "What's his name?" "Eddie..." "Y'all two together?"

"Oh no. Might ask later." He shrugs. "You drink?" "Sometimes. I'm seventeen though."

"Hmm me too. You look mighty fine to be seventeen..." "Say that again and I might have to hang out with you later." He grins, already turned on.

"You've got a date right? Can't interrupt that. Go along. Eddie is it? He's a good kid." "Yes ma'am." He smirks taking his hand off of her hip.

"Maybe I'll see you around?" "Possibly." He walks away, sitting back down with Eddie. "This girl stopped me. Sorry." He chuckles. "Her name is Lily."

"Lily? Wait. Question. Is she southern?" "Yeah?" "Seventeen?" "Mhmm?" "Brown hair? Freckles?" "Yeah...you know her?" "Maybe...seems familiar." He shrugs as the plates are brought out.

— 8:02 pm

"T-This movie sucks," Bill grumbles already tired of the movie Patrick chose.

"He's asleep...so is Richie apparently." "Huh? Oh sorry." It's only been about an hour of Ben being with them. Richie's already exhausted.

"No. I don't wanna lay down...let go, baby." The soft speaking catches Bill's attention quickly.

"C'mon baby. We haven't hung out all day." "My brother is here. I haven't seen him in a couple of months. I'll sleep in your room tonight okay?" "I'm sorry baby." "It's okay." He whispers kissing Patrick's cheek gently.

"No, I want another one." Patrick chuckles kissing the younger one passionately.

"My family is right here." "Then let's go upstairs." He grins. "No." He squeals, his face a light red shade.

"I'm joking I'm joking. I'm gonna go to bed. Love you." "Love you too." Seven smiles softly before switching seats. He sits on the couch with Bill.

Everyone decided to change into their pajamas considering it's late at night.

Seven wears an oversized sweatshirt Patrick gifted him the other day, a pair of shorts, and almost knee-high socks. Bill, of course, wears his pajama pants and a t-shirt.

His breathing hitches, noting the smaller one snuggled into his side, he hesitates before wrapping an arm around his back.

Five isn't used to having affection, hell, he doesn't like it anyways. He doesn't need someone to show him affection like that.

But for some reason, Stan is the only person who can get that close without Bill pushing them away.

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