084 / Any day

103 0 0

Wc: 468

—7:40 pm

"C'mon. It'll be fun, Bill." Seven begs the older one to play a couple games of slap hands with him. Or enjoy his company. Mostly the first one.

"N-No. I'm not a kid Stan." "Neither am I. We're the same age, and don't say-" "Two minutes apart i-idiot." "That doesn't mean anything." "S-Still." "You're no fun." He frowns sitting beside Patrick.

Immediately he grabs onto Patrick's hand, snuggling into his side.

Mike reads a book, something he does regularly. Seven, One, and Six used to read books together all the time. You could find them in the library or the attic with a book.

That's how they bonded. Those three were best friends growing up. But soon the tormenting from the other six split them apart.

Even Six bullied the younger one. It wasn't as bad as how Bill does, but it still hurt Seven when they acted like it was normal later on.

—7:50 pm

"Table for two." Henry grins as Eddie watches as everyone talk in the loud and semi-crowded restaurant. He grins, listening to people speak different languages.

Of course, the Hargreaves kids were forced to learn multiple languages throughout their childhood.

Richie and Bill don't use that skill anymore. They say it's worthless, they don't have friends or go out anywhere enough to speak to people.

And they're right. They've had each other for seventeen years, only speaking to each other during missions and at home.

Henry looks a girl up and down before completely zoning into Eddie again.

"Thought you were gay." "I am. All three of us are." (Except Belch.)

"Patrick and I prefer women though. Bisexual. You, I'd take you any day." "Well, thanks." He giggles running his soft fingers along with the lines on Henry's palms.

"Are ya gonna tell me my future or something?" "Oh. No. We didn't learn that in the academy." "What did you learn then? If you are okay with talking about it."

Eddie nods, if anyone will listen, he'll talk about anything. Including that one person. They'll listen to Eddie ramble any day.

"We all learned genuinely the same thing...well we all learn something different for our certain "power".

"Yours is?" "Throwing knives and holding my breath...not very special. I'm called 'The Kraken.' Still not as interesting as the others." "I think you're interesting." Henry grins.

"I've seen you with an inhaler...doesn't that affect your breath holding?" He chuckles.

"To be honest, I've never had serious problems with it... I don't need the inhaler...just a habit I've had since I was like two." He sighs watching Henry's pupils twinkle from the lights.

"You okay?" He giggles. "Huh? Yeah...I just like listening to you." He grins placing his hand on Eddie's cheek gently.

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