051 / Idiot

150 4 1

wc: 316

"What do you mean?" Richie tries to stand up, the wincing sound Eddie makes completely stops him. He sits back down, examining the boy for anything. "You okay?" "Mhmm."

"He t-told me...I s-should've died." Seven looks away from the boy's gaze. Patrick wouldn't say that.

Seven shakes his head. "What do you mean n-no? Why would I lie about that?"

"Good news, you guys get to go home. In about ten minutes or so." The male nurse grins, checking Seven out.

"Don't l-look at him like that." Five mutters. Four sits up gently, helping his younger 'sibling' out of bed.

Number Two watches as Richie's big hand holds onto Seven's smaller one, one hand on Seven's waist for stability. Two doesn't know why, but he doesn't like that.

Five sits silently as Eddie naps on the couch. Four of course went to the vending machine, with Eddie being passed out he feels sneaky even though they both know what he does.

Five's eyes being to flutter close gently. Someone grins, slapping his face as a tease. It's almost as if he's blind, only one thing coming into view.

"Patrick?" Something in Patrick's eyes flickers, that same rusty-orange tints over his eyes. The simple tapping from Patrick's fingertips burn Bill's neck and chin.

"F-Fuck off." "What are you gonna do?" "I s-said fuck off." "You gotta start treating me like family Denbrough. Me and your brother are-" "Fuck off!!"

Patrick laughs loudly before walking away. "Bill?" Eddie's sleepy voice brings him out of his trance.

"Who was that?" "P-P-Patrick..." he begins to breathe slowly, his neck and chin continue to burn.

Seven steps out of the bathroom after twenty minutes or so of him getting changed.

"Bill? Are you okay?" He rasps out, his voice quiet.

"I'm f-fine. Tell your idiot boyfriend to leave me alone."

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