052 / New

135 3 1

Wc: 333

"Boyfriend?" He clears his throat gently. "What do you mean?" "I'm not an idiot Stan. Patrick was just here." Five looks to Number Two for support. He nods gently.

"I'm pretty sure he wouldn't come over." "He did. Earlier when I was at the snack m-machine and just now. Probably even earlier t-than that." Seven sighs, hanging his head low.

"I don't g-give a fuck whether you two are together or not, but I don't wanna s-see him," Seven shudders. "Got it?!" "Y-yes...I understand." Five pushes past Seven, pushing past Number Four.

"Shit." He grumbles following behind him. "Are you two really together?" Eddie breaks the thick silence, Seven pulls himself from his thoughts. He begins to get lost in them.

"C'mon." The smaller one whispers.

— a bit later

"Another mission," Grace says. "Your masks are over there." Eddie admires her smile, Richie notices the fakeness
of it. "I'm n-not going." "You two rest." Reginald nods, closing the large door.

Seven wobbles up the stairs, getting a call. Checking his surroundings he admires the darkness of the house.

Grace sits beside the fireplace, bouncing her foot gently as she sews something new. A new tune to hum.

—phone call


Hey...did you get home?


Good. How are you feeling?

Better. Bill's mad.


He kind of guessed that we're together?


Said a whole bunch of bs about

Yeah. He doesn't like me very

None of us are used to meeting new people. He'll warm up to you.

He treats me the way he treats you. I don't think anything will change.

True...I'm tired. I talk to you later?



Night baby.

—end of the call

Seven smiles, holding his phone close to his chest. He climbs up the last couple of steps, closing his bedroom door gently.

"Bill?" He disappears from the room, a blue light flashes. He hesitates, realizing he's too tired to deal with the older one.

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