016 /From The Others

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Wc: 342

Five sits tapping his fingers against his knee, nothing to do in this hell hole. His powers don't work. Of course, they don't.

He doesn't even realize he had fallen asleep.

—Wednesday / some time

"Five? Bill?" "Hmm?" He crawls towards the small slot. A plate pushed through. "I'm sorry." "F-For?" "You shouldn't be in here." "Had to take up for s-someone. Don't be an idiot next time."

He sits beside the little hole, his back pressed against the wall as he holds onto his knees. The plate sits in front of him as the door on the little hole shuts. Five stands up, looking out of the window. Seven stares back, a frown on his face.

"I'm not an idiot." He mutters before walking back upstairs. "Yes. Yes, you are."

"No way to treat your brother Five." Pogo opens the door, handing him things. "H-He's not my brother." "You should treat him like it." "Is there a reason I should?"

"Look at Two and Four." "Listen Pogo. I don't wanna be best friends w-with an idiot. Don't wanna turn into one myself." "He cares a lot for you. All of you." "He's afraid. Afraid of what he does and d-doesn't know." "He wants to know you better. All of you. But especially you."

"W-Why?" "Before you add a snarky remark, he looks up to all of you. Being told he's useless doesn't help his self-esteem. He believes he's useless." "Gotta b-believe the truth one day or another." "Family or not, you should always be kind. He could save your life one day."

Five scoffs, pulling clean clothes over his head. "I can see into the future. I don't need s-saving anytime soon." "Maybe you haven't seen that far. Stop doubting over people." Pogo leaves, leaving the boy with something to think about.

"I don't doubt...I j-just know." He whispers folding his clothes neatly. Something Seven forced the other six to learn to do. It's stuck with Five, twenty-five percent of the stuff he knows is from the others.

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