070 / Thought That Way

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Wc: 476

"Let go of me not right now." Stan sighs pulling his small arm away from Patrick's hand.

"Baby please?" "I'm gonna go hang out with the others. Come if you want."

"Bill was threatening me earlier..." he sighs, giving Stan the puppy dog eyes he usually can't resist.

"I'm pretty sure he wouldn't." "But he did. You don't believe me?" "At this point, I don't believe many people. Mike is the only person I'm trusting at this point. No offense." "None taken. Go. Hang out with them. Do what you want."

"That's no reason to be so aggressive. Take a nap or something. You'll feel better." "Fine." Seven pushes the boy's hair back gently.

"I love you, ya know?" "I know." Patrick grins before kissing him gently.

"Boo." Stan squeals as Bill wraps his arms around the boy and picking him up.

The chandelier sways back and forth ever so slightly. Pogo and Reginald glance at each other before moving on.

"You ass! You scared me." He giggles as the two appear outside with the others. "It's too cold to be wearing shorts Bill. I gotta go change." He chuckles looking at his uniform he decided to change into hours before.

"Trust me. W-We're going somewhere warm." "And where would that be?" "Don't know yet." He chuckles throwing his arm over Seven's shoulder.

"Hold on. Victor's calling me." Richie grins letting go of Eddie's small wrist.

—phone call.

Hey baby. Where'd you go?

The six of us...sorry Ben. The seven of us are going out somewhere.


Not sure yet.

Sorry I didn't have time to hang out. You should've woken me up.

You're too cute when you're asleep. I couldn't.
Richie smiles listening to his lover's sleepy voice.

I'll see you once you get back. Back up Patrick. Damn.

See you later.

Richie hangs the phone up, Eddie tries to start a conversation with him but, his phone starts to ring too.

—phone call

Henry? Hey...

You're really cute.


You're really cute Eds. Why don't we go out sometime?

I mean sure but-

I'll see you later.


"What did he want?" "Wanted to go on a date? Something like that." Richie becomes unusually quiet as Eddie taps on his phone.

"What's he saying?" "He likes me a lot?" "What else?" "He wants to be with me?" He giggles clearly not believing in the boy's 'tricks'.

"What else?" "He thinks I'm a good person...He's surprised I'm not already in a relationship, uhh...damn." He starts a giggles fit as Richie reaches for the phone.

"I think you're perfect not gonna lie," Richie whispers reading the text between the two.

"He...He's such a liar." Eddie giggles nudging Richie with his elbow. "Why do you think he's lying?" "I'm pretty sure I'd be in a relationship if someone actually thought that way."

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